(1) General essential standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The board and the director follow fiscal procedures consistent with state law and local government requirements in preparing, presenting, and administering its budget.
(b) Local tax revenues provide at least 50% of the support for the library. Grants, donations, and other revenue sources supplement but do not supplant local tax support.
(c) The director works with the board to develop an annual financial plan or budget.
(d) The board and the director annually review the adequacy of insurance coverage for the collection and building, and update the coverage as necessary.
(2) General enhanced standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library sets aside money in a depreciation fund to meet requirements for capital expenditures.
(b) Local tax revenues provide at least 60% of the support for the library. Grants, donations, and other revenue sources supplement but do not supplant local tax support.
(3) General excellent standards for public libraries are as follows:
(a) The library has established a foundation or endowment.
(b) The foundation board and/or the library board develops a plan for planned giving.
(c) The foundation board and/or the library board establishes a policy regarding the acceptance of gifts of real and personal property, endowment funds, and planned giving.
(d) The library has a Friends of the Library organization.
(e) Local tax revenues provide at least 70% of the support for the library. Grants, donations, and other revenue sources supplement but do not supplant local tax support.