(1) Before being counted, each questionable vote on a paper ballot set aside under 13-15-206 (2) (a) or (3) (b) , MCA, must be reviewed by the counting board. The counting board shall evaluate each questionable vote according to the rules below:
(a) If a majority of the counting board members agree that under the rules the voter's intent can be clearly determined, the vote is valid and must be counted according to the voter's intent.
(b) If a majority of the counting board members do not agree that the voter's intent can be clearly determined under the rules, the vote is not valid and may not be counted.
(2) The following general rules shall apply in a count or recount of paper and opti-scan ballots:
(a) two (or more) designated voting areas have been marked and one (or more) mark has been erased, but residue is left. The election official shall clarify the ballot and cause a vote to be counted for the designated voting area that has been marked;
(b) one designated voting area is marked and a second designated voting area is marked with a heavy mark and no erasure has been attempted. The election official shall cause this to be counted as an overvote;
(c) the designated voting area has been marked for one response and a partially completed mark is made in a designated voting area. The mark may or may not have some erasure although for the purpose of this rule erasure is not required. The election official shall cause this to be counted as an overvote;
(d) the designated voting area has been marked for one response and a hesitation mark is present within other designated voting area. The election official shall clarify the ballot and cause a vote to be counted for the designated voting area that has been marked;
(e) the designated voting area has not been marked according to instructions but the response is circled. The election official shall clarify the ballot by marking the designated voting area beside the circled vote if the marking of the designated voting area is consistent throughout the individual's ballot, and cause a vote to be counted for the marked designated voting area;
(f) the designated voting area has not been marked according to instructions but there is a connective line or arrow between the response and the designated voting area to indicate the vote. The election official shall clarify the ballot if the connective line or arrow beside the designated voting area is consistent throughout the individual's ballot, and cause a vote to be counted for the marked designated voting area;
(g) more than one designated voting area has been marked, but no clear mark is used to indicate the correct vote. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, instances in which an "X" has been marked in either or both of the designated voting areas. The election official shall cause this to be counted as an overvote;
(h) more than one designated voting area has been marked, but a clear word, mark or statement is used to indicate the correct vote. The election official shall clarify the ballot and cause a vote to be counted for the designated voting area indicated as the correct vote;
(i) a word or statement has been used to indicate the correct vote instead of marking the designated voting area. The election official shall clarify the ballot and cause a vote to be counted for the designated voting area indicated as the correct vote;
(j) all of the designated voting areas are crossed out. The election official shall clarify the ballot and cause this to be counted as an undervote.