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(1) The department of fish and game was established under executive order by the governor effective July 1, 1972. Its name was changed to Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks effective July�1,�1979. Section 2-15-3401, MCA, creates the department. Its functions are set forth in Title 87 and Title 23 and other MCA sections.

(2) Director. The director of the department of fish, wildlife, and parks is appointed by the governor. The director is the chief administrative officer of the department. The director oversees the development of department policy, planning, and management operations and has direct authority over all employees of the department.

(3) Montana fish, wildlife, and parks commission. The governor appoints the five members for four-year terms who serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. The governor appoints the commission chairman. The commission is generally responsible for the hunting, fishing, trapping and state parks rules of the department, rules for recreational use of department lands and waters, approval of land acquisitions, approval of the department's budget prior to submission to the governor through the budget office, and for the overall policy direction of the department.

(4) Chief of staff, chief of field operations, chief of finance, chief legal counsel, and human resources manager. The chief of staff, chief of field operations, chief of finance, chief legal counsel, and human resources manager all report directly to the director. The chief of staff is responsible for all of the divisions, except field services. All division administrators, except the field services administrator, report to the chief of staff. Additionally, the river recreation management specialist and fish and wildlife coordinator report to the chief of staff. The chief of field operations is responsible for the seven regional offices, four regional area offices, and the field services division. The seven regional supervisors and field services administrator report to the chief of field operations. The chief of finance is responsible for the five bureaus relating to management of the department listed on the organizational chart on page 12-6. These bureau chiefs report to the chief of finance. The chief legal counsel is responsible for the operations of the legal unit which provides legal advice and representation to the department and commission. The human resources manager manages a variety of human resource programs and services within the agency.

(5) Divisions. The department of fish, wildlife, and parks consists of the following divisions:

(a)communication and education;


(c)field services;


(e)information services;

(f)management and finance;

(g)parks; and

(h) wildlife.

Each division is headed by an administrator, except the management and finance division. The division administrator is a staff officer who advises the director on matters related to resource management, administration of resource programs, or special programs related to the division's area of expertise. Administrators are responsible for policy and program development.

(6) Functions of the department. The department has four primary programs: fish, wildlife, parks, and agency management, which are jointly developed and implemented by eight divisions and seven geographic regions. The basic premise of this decentralized organizational structure is that division administrators (and their staffs) serve as the department's program staff, and regional supervisors (and their managers) serve as the department's line staff. The administrators have all staff responsibilities dealing with program development, budgeting and planning for the future. The regional supervisors assume responsibility for implementation of those programs and plans.

(a) Communications and education. The communication and education division acts as a clearinghouse for disseminating information on department activities and news items to the media. This division serves as a contact point for members of the public requesting information on department business. In addition, this division conducts a variety of education and recreation safety programs, and conducts a variety of public use surveys.

(b) Enforcement. The enforcement division enforces all fish, wildlife and parks laws of Montana, department rules and commission regulations. Division personnel also enforce state boating and snowmobile rules and regulations as well as private property laws and regulations as they deal with fishing and hunting.

(c) Field services. The field services division is responsible for implementing the department's lands program, construction projects and landowner-sportsman's relations program. The aircraft unit, living with wildlife program, game damage program and hunting access enhancement program, including the block management program and the access Montana program are under the jurisdiction of this division. Administration and implementation of disabled accessibility standards on department properties and the department's safety program are also are a responsibility of this division.

(d) Fisheries. The fisheries division manages and perpetuates Montana's fish and other aquatic resources. This division maintains optimum fish populations in Montana waters and provides the diverse, quality angling opportunities that Montanans and visiting anglers demand. This division operates nine fish hatcheries, which are not decentralized and report directly to the division.

(e) Information services. Information services provides information technology and information management services to the entire department including, but not limited to: network creation and administration, hardware and off-the-shelf software procurement and configuration, support of automated license sales and drawings, intranet and internet communications, software development, deployment and support, geographic information system and global positioning system, and all database management.

(f) Management and finance. Management and finance is made up of the director's office, the legal unit, regional supervisors and their administrative support staff, human resources and the finance component of the agency. Management and finance is responsible for the overall direction of budgeting, federal aid, accounting, purchasing, and licensing.

(g) Parks. The parks division is responsible for conserving the scenic, historic, archaeological, scientific, natural, and recreation resources in state parks while providing for their use and enjoyment. The program includes state parks, state fishing access sites, and affiliated lands such as rifle ranges and recreation sites managed cooperatively by other agencies. Other programs administered by the division include motorized and non-motorized trails, and several community grants programs.

(h) Wildlife. The responsibility of this division is to protect, enhance, and regulate the wise use of the state's wildlife resources for public benefit now and in the future. This division collects the scientific information necessary for managing all wildlife species and their habitats. This division also conducts wildlife research and habitat projects.

(7) Regional supervisors. The regional supervisor is a line officer who is the director's representative in each administrative region. As such, he is the chief administrative officer for that region. A supervisor is responsible for the daily activities of all regional personnel with the goal of assuring the proper implementation of department programs. This responsibility includes authority for recommending to the director hiring and firing of personnel, direct supervision of work schedules, evaluation of regional personnel, coordination of work schedules, and monitoring and controlling assigned budgets.

A supervisor is responsible for developing and maintaining an effective network of communication between the director's office, regional personnel, and other state and federal agencies as well as the general public.

(8) Information or submissions. General inquiries regarding hunting, fishing, recreation, and specific questions involving environmental issues may be directed to the communication and education division in Helena or the information officers in the seven regions. Specific information regarding major policies may be addressed to the director or a regional supervisor. Specific inquiries regarding functions of each division may be addressed to the respective administrators.

(9) Director and division administrator roster - all located at 1420 East 6th Avenue, Helena, Montana 59620.

(a) director:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ M. Jeff Hagener

(b) chief of staff:���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chris Smith

(c) chief of field operations:��������������������������������������������������������������������� Larry Peterman

(d) chief legal counsel:����������������������������������������������������������������������������� Robert N. Lane

(e) chief of finance:���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sue Daly

(f) human resources manager:��������������������������������������������������������������� Julie Sanders

(g) division administrators:

������communication and education:�������������������������������������������������������� Ron Aasheim

������enforcement:�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Jim Kropp

������field services:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Glenn Erickson

������fisheries:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Chris Hunter

������information services:vacant


������wildlife:������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Don Childress

(10) Regional supervisors roster - DFWP regional headquarters:

#1 - 490 N. Meridian Rd., Kalispell 59901������������������������������������������� Jim Satterfield

#2 - 3201 Spurgin Road, Missoula 59801������������������������������������������� Mack Long

#3 - 1400 South 19th, Bozeman 59715������������������������������������������������ Pat Flowers

#4 - 4600 Giant Springs Road,

P.O. Box 6609, Great Falls 59406��������������������������������������������������������� vacant

#5 - 2300 Lake Elmo Dr., Billings 59105�����������������������������������������������vacant

#6 - 54078 U.S. Highway 2 West,�����������������������������������������������������������Pat Gunderson

Glasgow 59230

#7 - Industrial Site W, Miles City 59301������������������������������������������������ Bryce Christensen

(11) Charts of agency organization. Descriptive charts of the department of fish, wildlife, and parks are attached as the following nine pages of this rule and by this reference are herein incorporated. Organization Chart

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Organizational Chart
Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Communication and Education Division

Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Enforcement Division
Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Field Services Division

Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Fisheries Division
Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Information Services Division
Organization Chart

Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Management and Finance Division

Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Parks Division,  Organizational Chart

Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Wildlife Division, Organizational Chart

History: 2-4-201, MCA; IMP, 2-4-201, MCA; Eff. 12/31/71; AMD, Eff. 1/4/74; AMD, Eff. 2/3/75; AMD, Eff. 7/1/79; AMD, Eff. 4/16/82; AMD, Eff. 9/30/83; AMD, Eff. 3/31/84; AMD, Eff. 4/1/88; AMD, Eff. 8/27/91; AMD, Eff. 3/31/98; AMD, Eff. 12/31/98; AMD, Eff. 3/31/02; AMD, Eff. 6/30/03; AMD, Eff. 12/31/05.

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