(1) The practical nurse may not perform any of the following IV therapy procedures:
(a) initiate blood, blood components, and plasma volume expanders;
(b) access or program an implanted IV infusion pump;
(c) insert or remove any IV access device placed for central or midline administration;
(d) manage central venous access devices for hemodynamic monitoring;
(e) perform repair of central or midline venous access devices; or
(f) perform arterial sticks, arterial blood draws, or arterial inline flushes.
(2) The practical nurse may not administer the following IV medications or IV fluids:
(a) oxytocics;
(b) neonatal and pediatric medications;
(c) antineoplastic and chemotherapy drugs;
(d) investigational and experimental drugs;
(e) colloid therapy;
(f) hyperosmolar solutions not appropriate for peripheral venous infusion;
(g) thrombolytic or fibrinolytic agents;
(h) tissue plasminogen activators, or immunoglobulins;
(i) medications for purposes of procedural sedation, moderate sedation, or anesthesia;
(j) medications requiring titration;
(k) medications or fluids via an epidural, intrathecal, intraosseous, umbilical route, or ventricular reservoir; or
(l) medications or fluids via an arteriovenous fistula or graft, except for dialysis per ARM 24.159.1010.