(1) A sports tab game may be conducted as a traditional sports tab game in conjunction with a single sports event with two competitors, or as a series sports tab game. A sponsor may conduct more than one sports tab game for each event.
(a) A "traditional sports tab game" involves a single sports event with two competitors that is conducted using a sports tab card. A winner is determined by matching the numbers printed on the sports tab with the only or last digit of the score of each competitor in the sports event at the conclusion of the event. Winners may also be determined by the score at predetermined intervals during the event as long as there is also a winner and prize awarded based upon the score at the conclusion of the event. If any prize is awarded for a score attained at a predetermined interval, the value of any such prize may not exceed the value of the prize awarded for the score attained at the conclusion of the event, as provided in ARM 23.16.1714.
(b) A "series sports tab game" is conducted using a single sports tab card in conjunction with a series of sports events. The pair of numbers on a participant's sports tab are used for each sports event in the series. The competitors in each sports event in the series may be individual teams or a combination of teams (e.g., a group of teams designated as home teams versus a group of teams designated as away teams). Sports tabs must be sold for all events in the series of sports events and may not be sold for individual events. Winners for each sports event in the series are determined:
(i) in the same manner as in a traditional sports tab game; or
(ii) in the same manner as in a traditional sports tab game for the first sports event in the series. For the second and subsequent events, winners are determined by combining the scores generated by each competitor in the previous events.
(2) Before the sale of any sports tabs in a sports tab game, the sponsor shall describe the game by prominently displaying the following information on the sports tab card or on a board to which the card is attached:
(a) name of the competitors in the sports event;
(b) date of the sports event or dates of the series of sports events;
(c) notification of which competitor's score corresponds to the first and second numbers on the sports tab;
(d) name of the sponsor;
(e) cost of a sports tab;
(f) total dollar value of all prizes to be awarded to winners;
(g) total amount to be retained by the sponsor;
(h) dollar amount or type and value of merchandise to be awarded to each winner;
(i) predetermined intervals, as provided in ARM 23.16.1714, during the sports event for which prizes are to be awarded, if any;
(j) name of the competitors and the date of the sports event that will be substituted for the original sports event if it is cancelled; and
(k) in the case of a sports tab game conducted by a sponsor to support a nonprofit organization, the name of the nonprofit organization, the percentage of the net sports tab game proceeds to be donated, and the percentage of the net sports tab game proceeds to be awarded to the winner.
(3) After sale of the sports tabs begins, the sponsor:
(a) may not cancel the sports tab game or alter the game in any manner; and
(b) shall award all prizes only at the conclusion of the single sports event in a traditional sports tab game, or at the conclusion of all sports events in a series sports tab game, in accordance with the description required under (2), regardless of whether all sports tabs on the sports tab card are sold to participants before the start of the sports event.
(4) The sports tab games purchased must have a permanent, unduplicated serial number printed on the sports tab card and have the same number printed on each sports tab affixed to the sports tab card. The sports tab cards must not have any concealed numbers on the card other than those concealed by the 100 sports tabs.
(5) All money paid to participate in each sports tab game shall be kept separate from any other money. No share for charitable contributions or administrative expenses may be separated from the total amount collected until after the sports event has occurred.