(1) Each card dealt must be the top card of the deck. The order of future ownership of cards that will be in play is not to be disturbed at any time during the deal of a game.
(2) When the dealer burns a card, it must be placed facedown on the table before dealing any round of cards. Burned cards must be kept separate from the discards throughout the hand.
(3) A player facing a bet who announces a fold shall have a dead hand.
(4) All pots must be awarded by the dealer only. When the dealer has awarded the pot and it has been taken in by that player without a claim made against it, the award stands. No player may make an agreement with any other player regarding the pot. Each game must be played to conclusion and the pot awarded to the actual winning player.
(5) The dealer may place a maximum time limit on players during which time a player must act on his or her hand. At the lapse of the time limit, if there has not been a bet to the player, the player must check; if there has been a bet to the player, the player's hand is dead. However, the dealer shall provide a reasonable warning to the player prior to the application of this subsection.