(1) These regulations apply to all portions of
federal-aid highway systems in Montana and establish requirements for
occupancy of highway rights-of-way by:
(a) Utility facilities having property rights
which have not been extinguished as a result of the utility facilities having
been relocated, or have not been extinguished by specifically acquiring the
property rights in question. ARM 18.7.211 covers and explains the status of and
actions to be taken regarding situations where both a utility company and the
department have property rights in a given piece of property.
(b) All other utility facilities as herein
(2) Except as noted in (3), these regulations shall apply to:
(a) New utility facilities as herein
defined. Specific regulations governing these facilities are covered in ARM
Title 18, chapter 7, subchapter 2.
(b) Existing utility facilities presently
occupying state highway right-of-way. Such facilities shall be governed
by ARM 18.7.225.
(c) Reconstruction or major changes in
existing utility facilities presently occupying state highway right-of-way.
(d) Existing utility facilities which must
be modified, adjusted or relocated for the accommodation of new state highway
(e) Retained facilities on new state
highway projects where facility design and construction location are reasonably
acceptable and not hazardous. Such facilities shall be governed by ARM
(f) Occupancy by facilities
which are not public utilities but may be allowed under utility encroachment permits granted and administered by
the department.
(g) Occupancy of non-interstate right-of-way is subject to ARM 18.7.220.
(h) Longitudinal occupancy of interstate right-of-way is subject to ARM 18.7.204 and 18.7.219.
(3) These regulations shall not apply to
facilities operated and maintained by local units of government within their
jurisdictional areas unless they occupy right-of-way of federal-aid
highway projects.
(4) Other uses of real property administered by the department must be requested
through the department's right-of-way bureau.