(1) Initial methamphetamine cleanup contractor training courses must be taught by a person with a current methamphetamine cleanup contractor training provider certificate issued pursuant to ARM 17.74.514 and must include a minimum of 16 hours of methamphetamine cleanup contractor training that covers:
(a) state and federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable to clandestine methamphetamine manufacturing or the smoke from the use of methamphetamine including, but not limited to:
(i) the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 USC 651 et seq.; and
(ii) this subchapter;
(b) chemical terminology, classifications, and properties related to clandestine methamphetamine manufacturing or the smoke from the use of methamphetamine;
(c) characteristics of clandestine methamphetamine laboratories and the smoke from the use of methamphetamine;
(d) first aid;
(e) adverse health effects of exposure to clandestine methamphetamine manufacturing or the smoke from the use of methamphetamine including, but not limited to:
(i) toxicology; and
(ii) symptomology;
(f) compatibility of chemicals related to inhabitable property decontamination;
(g) techniques and equipment used for inhabitable property decontamination;
(h) handling unknown substances;
(i) state and federal requirements for hazardous substances including, but not limited to:
(i) disposal;
(ii) transportation;
(iii) storage; and
(iv) reporting.
(j) techniques for obtaining information to make site assessments, including:
(i) site assessments;
(ii) site sampling;
(iii) work plan development;
(iv) effective cleanup procedures;
(v) final site sampling; and
(vi) report preparation.
(2) To receive certification, the initial methamphetamine cleanup contractor training course attendee must pass a written or electronic test with a minimum score of 70 percent. The test must be comprised of no less than 50 questions, with no less than 50 percent of the questions specific to this subchapter or the provisions of 75-10-1301 through 75-10-1306, MCA.