(1) Except as provided otherwise in this subchapter, the department adopts and incorporates by reference:
(a) 40 CFR 61, subparts A and M, pertaining to national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAPs) for asbestos.
(b) National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Manual of Analytical Methods, fifth edition, December 2017, which contains a description of the 7400 Analytical Method for detecting asbestos and other fibers by phase contrast microscopy (PCM) and a description of the 7402 Analytical Method for detecting asbestos by transmission electron microscopy (TEM); and
(c) Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials, EPA/600/R-93/116 (1993).
(d) The following sections of 40 CFR 763 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) Appendix C to Subpart E:
(i) section B.1, Workers;
(ii) section B.2, Contractor Supervisor;
(iii) section B.3, Inspector;
(iv) section B.4, Management Planner; and
(v) section B.5, Project Designer.
(2) Copies of these materials may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality, 1520 E. Sixth Avenue, P.O. Box 200901, Helena, MT 59620-0901. Copies of the CFR are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, (202) 512-1800. The CFR can also be accessed electronically at www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html.