18.12.314 FEES (1) The appropriate fee in lieu of tax imposed on aircraft is based on the age and type of aircraft. The 67-3-206, MCA fee schedule is: (a) AIRCRAFT TYPE | MANUFACTURE DATE (Years) | � | 0-5���� 6-10������ 11-20����� 21-30���� 31-40 | Type 1 � Single Engine, Fixed Gear, 200 HP & under | $450� $262.50� $150����� $75�������� $37.50 � | Type 2 � Single Engine, Fixed Gear, Over 200 HP | $750� $375������ $225����� $112.50 �$75 � | Type 3 � Single Engine, Retractable Gear, 200 HP & under | $900� $450������ $262.50 $150�������$112.50 � | Type 4 � Single Engine, Retractable Gear, Over 200 HP | $1,050 $600���� $300����� $187.50� $150 � | Type 5 � Multi-Engine, Piston | $1,200 $750���� $375����� $262.50��$225 � | Type 6 � Helicopter, Piston | $1,050 $675���� $337.50 $225������ $187.50 � | Type 7 � Single Engine, Jet/Helicopter, Prop Jet | $2,250 $1,050� $675����� $450������ $262.50 � | Type 8 � Multi-Engine, Helicopter, Prop Jet | $3,000 $1,500� $900����� $600������ $300 � | Type 9 � Jet Engine, No Propeller (Fan) | $4,500 $2,250 $1,200��� $750������� $375 � | � (b) Type 10 � Glider, Ultralight, Gyrocopter, Balloon, Homebuilt, Experimental Amateur Built, or Antiques (any aircraft over 40 years old) $30.
� History: 67-3-101, MCA; IMP, 67-3-206, MCA; NEW, 2020 MAR p. 184, Eff. 2/1/20.