(1) The provider:
(a) demonstrates the effectiveness of its completers' instruction on P-12 student learning and development and completer and employer satisfaction with the relevance and effectiveness of preparation;
(b) demonstrates that program completers effectively contribute to P-12 student learning using valid and reliable data, including employer and program completer surveys;
(c) demonstrates, through structured and validated instruments, including, but not limited to, surveys, interviews, and observations, that program completers effectively apply the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions as described in ARM 10.58.501;
(d) demonstrates, using valid and reliable data, that employers are satisfied with the program completersꞌ preparation for their responsibilities working with P-12 students and their families; and
(e) demonstrates, using valid and reliable data, that program completers perceive their preparation as relevant to the responsibilities they encounter on the job and that the preparation was effective.