(1) Therapeutic foster care permanency (TFOC-P) services must be provided in accordance with ARM 37.87.1401 through 37.87.1408 (HSS/TFC).
(2) TFOC-P must be provided by a child placement agency in accordance with ARM Title 37, chapter 93.
(3) TFOC-P is an intensive level of treatment for youth in a therapeutic foster family placement which is permanent and includes:
(a) individual, family, and group therapies;
(b) clinical supervision provided by a licensed psychologist on a 1:20 ratio;
(c) a treatment manager who is a masters or bachelors level social worker with three years' experience, on a 1:6 ratio;
(d) behavioral aide services averaging at least ten hours per week;
(e) respite care at least one weekend per month; and
(f) additional specialized training for families.