(1) The TGH must provide therapeutic services to all youth. Therapeutic services include therapy and therapeutic interventions. The purpose of therapeutic services is to:
(a) reduce the impairment of the youth's mental disability and to improve the youth's functional level;
(b) alleviate the emotional disturbances;
(c) reverse or change maladaptive patterns of behavior; and
(d) encourage personal growth and development.
(2) Each youth must receive 75 minutes of therapy and 75 minutes of therapeutic intervention services per week (Sunday through Saturday).
(3) Therapy requirements must be provided by the mental health professional and include the following:
(a) Individual therapy must be provided at least 50 minutes out of the required 75 minutes per week as outlined in the youth's treatment plan.
(b) Family therapy must be provided to the youth and family members as defined in ARM 37.97.102(9) and provided as outlined in the youth's treatment plan.
(c) If no identified family members as defined in ARM 37.97.102(9) are able to participate in family therapy, specific reasons why family therapy cannot be provided must be documented in the youth's treatment plan.
(d) If the youth is on a home visit or the family is unable to participate in therapy on-site, the mental health professional may provide therapy electronically via video conferencing or telehealth.
(4) In the event the mental health professional is unavailable due to vacation, illness, or other similar circumstance for more than 150 minutes in a 24-week period per youth, arrangements for therapy must be made based on the program's policy and procedures.
(a) The TGH must document in the youth's case record why the mental health professional could not provide therapy and what arrangements for therapy were made.
(b) The 24-week time period will be based on the youth's admission date.
(5) Therapeutic interventions may be provided by the mental health professional, program manager, or direct care staff as outlined in the youth's treatment plan.
(6) Therapy sessions and therapeutic interventions must address the youth's treatment goals and objectives in the treatment plan, and each session must be documented in the case record by the individual providing the service. Documentation must include the signature of the person who provided the service and the date, start and end times of each session.
(7) Internal staff meetings to address the needs of each youth must be conducted weekly and must include the program manager, lead clinical staff, and direct care staff. Staff meeting time spent addressing the needs of youth may not be included as therapy or therapeutic intervention time.