(1) For purposes of this rule,
"designation" means a determination by the department that an MS4 is
subject to the permit requirements of this subchapter.
(2) The department shall
designate an MS4 other than those identified in ARM 17.30.1102(23) if a
discharge from the MS4 results in, or has the potential to result in,
exceedances of water quality standards, including impairment of designated
uses, or has other significant water quality impacts, including habitat and
biological impacts. In making a designation under this subsection, the
department shall:
(a) consider whether the
(i) has discharges to a
listed impaired waterbody that is on the most recent 303(d) list;
(ii) has high growth or
growth potential;
(iii) has high population
(iv) is contiguous to an
urbanized area; and
(v) is a significant
contribution of pollutants to surface waters; and
(b) place a high priority
on evaluating small MS4s that have a combined permanent and seasonal population
of over 10,000, as determined by the latest decennial census by the United
States census bureau plus the number of commercially advertised bedroom
accommodations that will allow for an overnight stay, as listed through the
chamber of commerce, or any local resort or property management company.
(3) The department shall
designate an MS4 other than those identified in ARM 17.30.1102(23) if the MS4
contributes substantially to the pollutant loadings of a physically
interconnected municipal separate storm sewer that is a regulated small MS4
under these rules.
(4) The department may
designate an MS4 other than those identified in ARM 17.30.1102(23) pursuant to
the criteria in ARM 17.30.1105(1) (e) or (f) .
(5) The department may
designate discharges from municipal separate storm sewers on a system-wide or
on a jurisdiction-wide basis. In making its designation the department may
consider the following factors:
(i) the location of the
discharge with respect to surface waters;
(ii) the size of the
(iii) the quantity and
nature of the pollutants discharged to surface waters; and
(iv) other relevant
(6) Upon petition, the
department may designate an MS4 under the appropriate criteria in these rules.
The department shall make a final determination on a petition to designate a
small MS4 within 180 days after receipt of the petition.
(7) An MS4 may petition the
department to reduce the census estimates of the population served by the MS4
to account for storm water discharges to combined sewers, as defined in 40 CFR
35.2005(b) (11) , that are treated in a publicly owned treatment works. In
municipalities in which combined sewers are operated, the census estimates of
population may be reduced in proportion to the fraction, based on estimated
lengths, of the length of combined sewers over the sum of the length of
combined sewers and municipal separate storm sewers. The MS4 shall submit the
MPDES permit number associated with each discharge point and a map indicating
areas served by combined sewers and the location of any combined sewer overflow
discharge point.
(8) The department may
re-evaluate its designation of an MS4 if circumstances change or if new
information becomes available.
(9) The department may
waive the permit requirements of this subchapter for an MS4 identified in ARM
17.30.1102(23) if the MS4 demonstrates to the department that the MS4 has
existing storm water quality control programs that are equivalent to the six
minimum control measures set out in ARM 17.30.1111.
(10) The department may
waive the permit requirements of this subchapter for an MS4, which would
otherwise be regulated because it is located within an urbanized area, if the
MS4 serves a population of under 1,000 and both of the following criteria are
(a) discharges from the MS4
are not contributing substantially to the pollutant loadings of a physically
interconnected regulated MS4; and
(b) storm water controls
are not needed for the MS4 based on wasteload allocations that are part of an
EPA-approved or established TMDL that addresses the pollutants of concern.
(11) The department may
waive the permit requirements of this subchapter for an MS4, which would
otherwise be regulated because it is located within an urbanized area, if the
MS4 serves a population of between 1,000 and 10,000 and both of the following
criteria are met:
(a) the department has
evaluated all surface waters, including small streams, tributaries, lakes, and
ponds, that receive a discharge from the MS4 and has determined that storm
water controls are not needed based on wasteload allocations that are part of
an EPA-approved or established TMDL that addresses the pollutants of concern
or, if a TMDL has not been developed or approved, an equivalent analysis that
determines sources and allocations for the pollutants of concern;
(i) for purposes of this
subsection, pollutants of concern include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) ,
sediment or a parameter that addresses sediment (such as total suspended
solids, turbidity, or siltation) , pathogens, oil and grease, and any pollutant
that has been identified as a cause of impairment of any water body that will
receive a discharge from the MS4; and
(b) the department has
determined that current and future discharges from the MS4 do not have the
potential to result in exceedances of water quality standards, including
impairment of designated uses, or other significant water quality impacts,
including habitat and biological impacts.
(12) The department shall
at least once every five years review all waivers granted under this rule to
determine whether any of the information required for granting the waiver has
changed. The department shall consider a petition to review a waiver if the
petitioner provides evidence that the information required for granting the
waiver has substantially changed.
(13) The department may
designate an MS4 for which the permit requirement is waived under this rule if
circumstances change or new information becomes available.