(1) Except as provided in (2) , the department shall take one of the
following actions upon completing its review of an application for
certification submitted under this subchapter:
(a) deny certification for any activity which the
department finds will result in a discharge that will violate any effluent
limitation or water quality standard stated in or developed pursuant to ARM
Title 17, chapter 30;
(b) issue certification for any activity which the
department finds will not result in a discharge that will violate any effluent
limitation or water quality standard stated in or developed pursuant to ARM
Title 17, chapter 30; or
(c) issue conditional certification for any
activity that with the conditions imposed will not result in a discharge that
will violate any effluent limitation or water quality standard stated in or
developed pursuant to ARM Title 17, chapter 30.
(2) The department may waive certification if the
department finds that the activity will:
(a) cause minimal or no impacts to the quality of
state waters; or
(b) require an application for a Montana pollutant
discharge elimination system permit under ARM Title 17, chapter 30, subchapter
13, a Montana groundwater pollution control system permit under ARM Title 17,
chapter 30, subchapter 10, a short-term exemption from water quality standards
under 75-5-308, MCA, or a short-term narrative water quality
standard under 75-5-318, MCA.