(1) The owner or operator of any existing source not excluded under ARM 17.30.1022 discharging pollutants into state ground waters shall file an MGWPCS permit application within one year of October 29, 1982.
(2) The owner or operator of any source with an MGWPCS permit who proposes any modification, subsequent to October 29, 1982, which the department determines may result in violation of existing permit conditions shall file a new completed MGWPCS permit application no less than 180 days prior to the day on which it is desired to commence operation of the modified discharge.
(3) The owner or operator of any proposed source not excluded under ARM 17.30.1022 which may discharge pollutants into state ground waters shall file a completed MGWPCS permit application no less than 180 days prior to the day on which it is desired to commence operation of the source.
(4) All applications for an MGWPCS permit must be submitted on forms provided by the department and must include the following:
(a) a specific site plan, indicating topography;
(b) location and description of operation of treatment works and disposal systems;
(c) location of adjacent state surface waters;
(d) list of surface owners and lessees of land within one mile of the proposed source;
(e) location of water supply wells and springs within one mile;
(f) description of waste or process solutions to be contained on site; and
(g) information describing existing ground water quality and uses within one mile of the site.
(5) In addition to the application requirements in (4), the department may require the submission of additional data and information when warranted by the potential impacts of a source.
(6) Applicants who have submitted complete permit applications for ground water discharge sources to the department under the MPDES permit program will be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this rule.