(1) An application must include a description of
operation and maintenance procedures for the proposed facility under normal and
emergency conditions, including types and scheduling of anticipated maintenance
and inspections. For electric
transmission facilities, an application must contain a description of methods
the applicant will employ to resolve complaints from nearby residents regarding
noise and radio and television interference.
(2) An
application must contain a discussion of the ability of the proposed facility
to withstand destructive natural phenomena such as mass movement, earthquakes,
floods, icing conditions and high winds or accidents, a description of the
environmental impacts and/or public safety problems resulting from facility
failure due to natural phenomena and accidents, and a general discussion of
measures proposed to reduce the problems.
(3) An
application must contain a description of the methods the applicant will employ
to control land uses on the right-of-way, including encroachment of
(4) An
application must contain a description of the right-of-way
management procedures that will be used, including vegetation and weed control,
herbicide use, and the scheduled timing of the proposed management activities.
(5) For
pipelines, an application must describe the size and frequency of leaks that
can be expected over the life of the proposed project.
(6) For
pipelines, an application must describe leak detection systems to be employed
during operations including sensitivity of the leak detection system, the time
necessary to shut down the facility in the event of a leak, and expected time
necessary to respond to a leak.
(7) For liquid pipelines, an application
must include a detailed spill contingency plan describing:
(a) immediate notification procedures;
(b) the type and location of emergency
response personnel and equipment;
(c) any mutual aid agreements to supply personnel and equipment and respond
in the event of a spill;
(d) response procedures;
(e) equipment testing procedures;
(f) frequency of field training exercises; and
(g) plan update procedures. The plan shall be sufficiently detailed so
that the department can determine the likely environmental effects resulting
from a spill.