(1) The initial application fee shall be as set forth in 87-4-411 , MCA. The fee shall be based upon the peak number of animals identified in the application. If the applicant has submitted an application that identifies phases of construction, the fee shall be based upon the peak number of animals in the phase with the largest proposed number of animals.
(2) The annual renewal fee shall be as set forth in 87-4-411 , MCA. The fee shall be based upon the number of animals, including offspring, owned, leased or kept on the game farm as of December 31 of the year preceding the renewal.
(3) The fee for an application for a license modification shall equal the initial application fee prescribed in (1) based upon the peak number of animals identified in the application for license modification. If the department determines not to perform a supplemental environmental review under MEPA, the department shall refund the fee.