(1) Securities and assets must be valued in accordance with valuation standards of the NAIC published in its 1999 Accounting Practices and Procedures manual and its December 31, 1999 Valuation of Securities manual.
(2) The department hereby adopts and incorporates herein by reference the standards adopted by the NAIC for valuation of securities and other investments appearing in its 1999 Accounting Practices and Procedures manual and its December 31, 1999 Valuation of Securities manual. These are nationally-recognized models for such standards. Copies of the manuals are available for inspection at the office of the Commissioner of Insurance, 840 Helena Ave., Helena, Montana 59601. Copies of the Accounting Practices and Procedures manual and the Valuation of Securities manual may be obtained by writing to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 120 West 12th Street, Suite 1100, Kansas City, MO 64105-1925. Persons obtaining copies of such manuals may be required to pay the NAIC's costs of providing such copies.