(1) All trampoline activities must be supervised by a trampoline supervisor who shall have documented formal training and experience in the use of trampoline and be knowledgeable about safety and spotting techniques.
(2) Trampolines must be equipped with pads along the sides, which must be kept in good repair.
(3) No person may be on the trampoline unless a trampoline supervisor is present and spotters are present on all four sides of the trampoline. If youth are utilized as spotters, the youth must be of sufficient age and physical size to be effective as spotters, and they must be instructed by the trampoline supervisor regarding what is expected. Spotters may not stand, sit or lie on the trampoline, but they must stand in a position of readiness, watching the jumper at all times.
(4) Trampolines must be secured from unauthorized use by any person.
(5) The youth may dismount the trampoline by sitting on the edge and sliding off. No youth shall jump off the trampoline.