(1) All staff members must:
(a) meet immunization requirements pursuant to ARM 37.95.184;
(b) have appropriate background checks pursuant to ARM 37.95.161; and
(c) sign a health attestation.
(2) An early childhood lead teacher must meet the following requirements:
(a) be at least 18 years of age;
(b) complete facility overview on-the-job training;
(c) be current on the ECP Practitioner Registry;
(d) have current certification for infant, child, and adult CPR, infant choking response, and pediatric first aid. CPR certification must be completed in a hands-on setting;
(e) successfully complete required early childhood teacher orientation as indicated in 37.95.163; and
(f) have the following training and experience:
(i) two years of experience in an early childhood program such as a licensed or registered child care facility, or Head Start, plus 32 hours of ECP training; or
(ii) level 2 or higher on the ECP Practitioner Registry.
(3) An early childhood assistant teacher must:
(a) receive oversight and guidance from an onsite ECLT or director;
(b) be at least 16 years old; and
(c) meet the requirements of (2)(b) through (e).
(4) Substitute teachers must meet the requirements in (1) through (3) with the exception of (2)(c).
(5) A trainee must meet the requirements in (1) and (3)(a) and (b) and may not remain in this role for longer than 30 days.
(6) Only directors, early childhood teachers, assistant teachers, trainees, and substitute teachers may provide direct care.