(1) The amount and variety of materials and equipment available, and their arrangement and use, must be appropriate to the developmental needs of the children in care. This requirement shall be deemed to have been satisfied if the licensing representative has been able to observe the program in operation and approves the selection, arrangement and use of materials and equipment, based on the criteria:
(a) Centers shall maintain a housekeeping area, table activities (manipulative toys) area, block building area, library or other quiet area, and a creative arts area. Arrangement of these areas shall be such that quiet and active zones are separated and not conflicting;
(b) The quantity and quality of materials and equipment shall be sufficient to permit multiple use of the same item by several children so excessive competition and long waits are avoided;
(c) Materials and equipment shall be of sufficient quantity and quality to provide for a variety of experiences and appeal to the individual interests of the children in care;
(d) Furniture shall be durable, safe, clean, and be child size or appropriately adapted for children's use;
(e) Storage shelves shall be provided to children at their level.
(2) Play equipment and materials must include items from each of the following six categories:
(a) dramatic role playing;
(b) cognitive development;
(c) visual development;
(d) auditory development;
(e) tactile development; and
(f) large-muscle development.
(3) High chairs, when used, must have a wide base and a safety strap.
(4) Each child, shall have clean, sanitized and age-appropriate rest equipment. Seasonably appropriate covering, such as sheets or blankets, for a crib, cot, bed, or mat must be provided. Crib mattresses and other rest equipment shall be waterproof and regularly sanitized.
(5) Each facility must have a working telephone.
(6) Telephone numbers of the parents, the hospital, police department, fire department, ambulance, and the Emergency Montana Poison Control Center (1 (800) 222-1222) must be posted by each telephone.