(1) Particle accelerators, when not in operation, shall be secured to prevent unauthorized use.
(2) The safety interlock system shall not be used to turn off the accelerator beam except in an emergency.
(3) All safety and warning devices, including interlocks, shall be checked for proper operability at intervals not to exceed 3 months. Results of such tests shall be maintained at the accelerator facility for inspection by the department.
(4) Electrical circuit diagrams of the accelerator and the associated interlock systems shall be kept current and maintained for inspection by the department and shall be available to the operator at each accelerator facility.
(5) If, for any reason, it is necessary to intentionally bypass a safety interlock or interlocks, such action shall be:
(a) authorized by the radiation safety committee or radiation safety officer;
(b) recorded in a permanent log and a notice posted at the accelerator control console; and
(c) terminated as soon as possible.
(6) A copy of the current operating and the emergency procedures shall be maintained at the accelerator control panel.