(1) To the extent practicable, the board's field representative will schedule routine mechanical integrity tests required under ARM 36.22.1416. The owner or operator of a Class II injection well must give the board at least 48 hours advance written, telephone, or facsimile notice of any mechanical integrity test not originally scheduled by a board representative. Notification of tests not included in the board's routine test schedule must specify the name and telephone number of the person responsible for scheduling the test, the name and location of the well, and the time and date the mechanical integrity test will be performed. The board may at any time request a retest for wells where the mechanical integrity test was not performed under the oversight of a representative of the board.
(2) The owner or operator must provide a subsequent report of any mechanical integrity test (MIT) on board Form 2 regardless of whether or not the MIT is witnessed by a board representative. Subsequent reports are due within 15 days of the test unless remedial repairs are required, in which case a subsequent report is due within 15 days of completion of the remedial work. If submitted reports are found to not meet board requirements or if approved testing procedures were not used, the board may require a retest.
(3) Subsequent reports will include the date of the test or the date on which work began, the manner or method of testing, the results of the test, any remedial work done or required to be performed to demonstrate mechanical integrity, the type and cause of the well failure, and the pressure recording chart used to document the annulus pressure test. The name, address, and telephone number of the company representative, consultant, or contractor that performed the test also must be provided.
(4) Two copies of any well logs, surveys, fluid analyses, or any other reports of a technical nature run or made during the test or as part of any reworking or repair efforts must be submitted with the subsequent report.