(1) the BWRRO shall review each type of permit application and determine if it is correct and complete.
(2)A copy of an "incorrect and incomplete" application must be returned to the applicant with a letter explaining the deficiencies.The BWRRO letter must contain a deadline for the applicant to correct the deficiencies and return the application copy.
(3)For type "A" permit applications no notice pursuant to 85-2-307 , MCA is required.The BWRRO shall only send notice to the national park service by means of a letter within 30 days after receipt of a correct and complete permit application.Enclosed with each letter must be a copy of the correct and complete permit application, a well location map, and a copy of the drillers well log report and supplement.A copy of each BWRRO letter must be sent to the following:
(a) the applicant;
(b) the MBM&G in Butte, Montana along with a copy of the well log report form.
(4)For type "B" permit applications the BWRRO shall send notice as in (3) and a copy of the general notice provided under 85-2-307 , MCA.