(1) All animals determined to be brucellosis reactors as the result of an official test, reactors to the tuberculin test, animals found diseased or condemned by the Montana department of livestock, animal health division or the United States department of agriculture, or animals affected with or suspected of being affected with actinomycosis, cancer eye or any infectious or contagious disease entering a market must immediately be placed in a quarantine pen, and may not be sold through or run through the sale ring until after all healthy animals are sold that day or until they are released from the quarantine pen by a representative of the Montana department of livestock, animal health division.
(2) Animals which are determined to be brucellosis reactors as the result of an official test for brucellosis performed at a licensed livestock market must be handled pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of ARM.
(3) Animals which are determined to be brucellosis suspects, or brucellosis exposed animals, as the result of an official test for brucellosis performed at a licensed livestock market must be handled pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of ARM 32.2.425.
(4) Condemned or diseased animals may not be sold or offered for sale except for immediate slaughter under official supervision by a duly appointed state or federal meat inspector, and may not be removed from the market except upon written permit by a representative of the Montana department of
livestock, animal health division.
(5) Condemned or diseased animals may not be diverted enroute but must be shipped direct for immediate slaughter to the consignee designated on the Montana department of livestock, animal health division representative's written shipping release.
(6) Condemned or diseased animals for which indemnity is to be paid must be handled and sold in such a manner as not to invalidate the owner's claim for indemnity.