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(1) Organization of the Department of Livestock.�

(a) History. The Department of Livestock was reorganized under the Executive Reorganization Act of 1971 by executive order of the Governor on November 22, 1971.

(b) Divisions. The department consists of three divisions: Animal Health and Food Safety Division; Brands Enforcement Division; and the Centralized Services Division. Each division is further broken down into bureaus and sections. (See functional chart.)

(c) The head of the Department of Livestock is the Board of Livestock as set forth in 2-15-3101, MCA.

(d) The Board of Livestock, as set forth in 2-15-3102, MCA, consists of seven members appointed by the Governor for six-year terms. The chairman is named by the governor.

(e) The Executive Officer for the Department of Livestock is appointed by the Board of Livestock as set forth in 81-1-102, MCA.

(f) Attached boards.

(i) Livestock Crimestoppers Commission.

(ii) Board of Milk Control.

(iii) Livestock Loss Board.

(2) Functions of the Department of Livestock.

(a) The Animal Health and Food Safety Division consists of the following bureaus:

(i) The Animal Health Bureau functions are to provide for the diagnosis, prevention, control, and eradication of animal diseases and disorders; maintain a disease surveillance system; provide education and information on animal diseases and disorders to the livestock industry, the veterinary profession, and the public at large; conduct applied research into the causes, transmissibility, and control of animal disease and disorders; enforce sanitary standards of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products produced or sold in Montana, and inspect animals at livestock auction markets; monitor and enforce import export requirements applied to livestock; assist the Department of Public Health and Human Services in the control of animal diseases transmissible to persons; to protect livestock and human health from rabies by controlling wildlife, especially skunks, known to be vector species of rabies; and provide information, education, and regulation of alternative livestock facilities. These functions are accomplished by state level programs and by cooperation with counties, private groups, other government agencies, and individuals.

(ii) The Milk and Egg Bureau functions are to ensure that eggs, milk, and milk products sold or manufactured in Montana are fit for human consumption. This function is accomplished through licensing, sampling, laboratory testing, product and site inspection and is done in cooperation with other state and federal agencies. The bureau supervises the enforcement of state and federal law.

(iii) The Meat and Poultry Inspection Bureau functions are to ensure that meat and poultry products processed, manufactured, or sold in Montana are handled in a sanitary manner thereby ensuring a clean and wholesome product for human consumption. This function is accomplished through licensing, inspection of premises, slaughter inspection, process inspection, sampling, and laboratory testing. This is done in cooperation with other state and federal agencies. The bureau enforces state and federal laws.

(iv) The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Bureau functions are to provide laboratory support for the Animal Health, Milk and Egg, and the Meat and Poultry Inspection Bureaus; provide laboratory diagnostic support to veterinarians and livestock producers; conduct food safety testing of meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products produced and sold in Montana; provide test services to enhance the marketability of livestock; and assist the Department of Public Health and Human Services in diagnosing zoonotic diseases. Testing on wildlife and small animals is performed upon request.

(b) The Centralized Services Division provides the following services to the Department of Livestock: accounting, budgeting, payroll, information technology, personnel, risk management, purchasing, general services, and administrative support. The division is responsible for providing administrative support to the Milk Control and Livestock Loss attached boards.

(c) The Brands Enforcement Division consists of the following bureaus and is responsible for providing administrative support to the attached Livestock Crimestoppers Commission:

(i) The Enforcement Bureau functions are to protect and foster the state's livestock industry by enforcing livestock laws, inspecting livestock for brands, and conducting theft investigations.

(ii) The Market Bureau functions are to regulate livestock markets and ensure standard uniform inspections at markets.

(iii) The Brands and Records Bureau functions are to issue and record brands, receive and file notices on livestock security agreements, regulate livestock dealers and markets, and maintain the Brands Enforcement Division's records.

(3) Functions of the attached boards.

(a) The Livestock Crimestoppers Commission is administratively attached to the department in accordance with 2-15-121 and 2-15-3104, MCA.

(b) The Board of Milk Control is administratively attached to the department in accordance with 2-15-121 and 2-15-3105, MCA.

(c) The Livestock Loss Board is administratively attached to the department in accordance with 2-15-3110, MCA.

(4) Information or submissions.

(a) General and specific inquiries regarding a division may be addressed to the supervisor or administrator.

(b) All requests for hearings, declaratory rulings, and for participation in rulemaking may be addressed to either the Executive Officer or to the Board of Livestock.

(c) Parties interested in notices of hearings, declaratory rulings, and proposed rules should refer to notices in the Montana Administrative Register. Interested parties can also log onto the department website at www.liv.mt.gov and click on Administrative Rules under agency information.

(5) Personnel roster. The Board of Livestock, executive officer, and division administrators can be contacted at the Scott Hart Building, 301 N. Roberts Street, P.O. Box 202001, Helena, MT 59620; phone (406) 444-9321. Information regarding the department and its personnel can also be found at www.liv.mt.gov.

(6) Chart of Department of Livestock Organization. A descriptive chart of the Department of Livestock is attached as the following page of this rule and by this reference is incorporated.�

History: 2-4-201, MCA; Eff. 12/31/72; AMD, Eff. 2/28/78; AMD, Eff. 10/31/78; AMD, Eff. 7/2/79; AMD, Eff. 9/30/81; AMD, Eff. 6/30/84; AMD, Eff. 3/29/85; AMD, Eff. 6/30/96; AMD, Eff. 12/31/99; AMD, Eff. 6/30/02, AMD, Eff. 12/31/09. AMD, Eff. 9/30/10; AMD, 9/30/11; AMD, 6/30/20.

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