Board/current position holder Appointed by Term end
Alternative Livestock Advisory Council (Fish, Wildlife and Parks)
Ms. Linda Nielsen, Nashua Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): Board of Livestock representative
Mr. Ron Moody, Lewistown Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission representative
Board of Aeronautics (Transportation)
Mr. Fred Lark, Lewistown Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. A. Christopher Edwards, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): fixed base operator
Mr. Robert Buckles, Bozeman Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): commercial airlines representative
Board of Chiropractors (Labor and Industry)
Dr. Scott Hansing, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): a practicing chiropractor
Board of Crime Control (Justice)
Ms. Lois Menzies, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): representative of the judiciary
Rep. Angela Russell, Lodge Grass Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): tribal court representative
Ms. Randi Hood, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): criminal justice agency representative
Director Mike Ferriter, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): state law enforcement representative
Mr. Richard Kirn, Poplar Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): tribal government representative
Mr. Godfrey Saunders, Bozeman Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): educator
Ms. Sherry Matteucci, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Ms. Brenda C. Desmond, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): representative of the judiciary
Ms. Tracie Small, Crow Agency Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): tribal court representative
Board of Environmental Review (Environmental Quality)
Mr. Joseph Russell, Kalispell Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): county health officer
Ms. Heidi Kaiser, Park City Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Mr. Larry Mires, Glasgow Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Board of Horseracing (Livestock)
Ms. Susan Egbert, Helena Governor 1/20/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of district 4
Ms. Susan Egbert, Helena Governor 1/20/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of district 4
Board of Housing (Commerce)
Rep. Sheila Rice, Great Falls Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Rep. Jeanette S. McKee, Hamilton Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Ms. Susan Moyer, Kalispell Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. Bob Gauthier, Ronan Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Board of Investments (Commerce)
Mr. Karl Englund, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): attorney
Dr. Maureen J. Fleming, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): representative of labor
Mr. Terrill R. Moore, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): financial representative
Mr. Jon Satre, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): business person
Board of Labor Appeals (Labor and Industry)
Mr. Jack Calhoun, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Board of Occupational Therapy Practice (Labor and Industry)
Ms. Cindy Stergar, Butte Governor 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. Tim Tracy, Kalispell Governor 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): Occupational Therapist
Board of Oil and Gas Conservation (Governor)
Mr. Jack King, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): representative of industry
Mr. Ronald Efta, Wibaux Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Mr. Bret Smelser, Sidney Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): landowner without minerals
Board of Pardons and Parole (Corrections)
Mr. John Rex, Miles City Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): having education or experience in criminology
Mr. Michael E. McKee, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): having education or experience in criminology
Board of Personnel Appeals (Labor and Industry)
Mr. Steve Johnson, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): management representative with collective bargaining experience
Mr. Patrick Dudley, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): management representative with collective bargaining experience (substitute)
Mr. Michael Thiel, Kalispell Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): office of a labor union or an association recognized by the board
Board of Public Assistance (Governor)
Ms. Helen Barta Schmitt, Sidney Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners (Labor and Industry)
Mr. Thomas Fallang, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): respiratory care practitioner
Dr. Carl Hallenborg, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): doctor of medicine
Board of Social Work Examiners and Professional Counselors (Labor and Industry)
Ms. Ann Gilkey, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): attorney
Mr. Peter Degel, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): licensed counselor
Ms. Jill Thorngren, Bozeman Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): licensed counselor
Board of Speech‑Language Pathologists and Audiologists (Labor and Industry)
Ms. Sharon Dinstel, Colstrip Governor 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): speech‑language pathologist
Mr. James L. Sias, Ronan Governor 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): consumer representative
Ms. Cheri Fjare, Big Timber Governor 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): speech‑language pathologist
Capital Investment Board (Commerce)
Mr. Gary Buchanan, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): having expertise and competence in investment and/or tax credit administration management
Mr. Robert W. Minto Jr., Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): having expertise and competence in investment and/or tax credit administration management
Coal Board (Commerce)
Rep. Ralph L. Lenhart, Glendive Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): having expertise in education
Mr. Thomas Kalakay, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): expertise in education and a resident of District 2
Ms. Juliet Hasler Foley, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): expertise in education and a resident of District 1
Ms. Marcia Brown, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): representative from business and a resident of District 1
Commissioner of Political Practices (Secretary of State)
Commissioner Dennis Unsworth, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): not listed
Facility Finance Authority (Administration)
Rep. Joe Quilici, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Ms. Kim Greco, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Mr. Matthew B. Thiel, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): attorney
Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission (Fish, Wildlife and Parks)
Mr. Dan Vermillion, Livingston Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of District 2
Mr. Willie Doll, Malta Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of District 4
Hard Rock Mining Impact Board (Commerce)
Commissioner Marianne Roose, Eureka Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative and a resident of district 1/impact area
Mr. Shain Wolstein, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): elected school district trustee and a resident of district 1/impact area
Human Rights Commission (Labor and Industry)
Mr. Stephen Fentel, Billings Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. Ryan C. Rusche, Wolf Point Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Judicial Nomination Commission (Justice)
Ms. Shirley Ball, Nashua Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Livestock Loss Reduction and Mitigation Board (Livestock)
Ms. Elaine Allestad, Big Timber Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): livestock industry representative
Mr. Larry Trexler, Hamilton Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): breeding association member
Mr. Hilliard McDonald, Judith Gap Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): livestock marketing representative
Lottery Commission (Administration)
Mr. Robert Crippen, Butte Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): accountant
Milk Control Board (Livestock)
Dr. R. Clyde Greer, Bozeman Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. Michael F. Kleese, Stevensville Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): attorney
Mr. Jerrold A. Weissman, Great Falls Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative and a Republican
Montana Alfalfa Seed Committee (Agriculture)
Mr. Tom Matchett, Billings Governor 12/21/2010
Qualifications (if required): alfalfa seed grower
Mr. Tom Neibur, Malta Governor 12/21/2010
Qualifications (if required): alfalfa seed grower with alfalfa leaf‑cutting bees
Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities (Commerce)
Mr. Jason Billehus, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): primary consumer representative
Mr. Darwin Nelson, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): primary consumer representative
Ms. Connie Wethern, Glasgow Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): secondary consumer representative
Ms. Janet Carlson, Malta Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): primary consumer representative
Ms. Kellie Karasko, Manhattan Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): secondary consumer representative
Montana Grass Conservation Commission (Natural Resources and Conservation)
Mr. Dan Teigen, Teigen Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): grazing district preference holder
Mr. Steve Barnard, Hinsdale Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): grazing district director
Public Safety Officer Standards and Training Council (Justice)
Ms. Winnie Ore, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public member
Sergeant Frances Combs‑Weaks, Poplar Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): certified tribal law enforcement representative
Commissioner Mike Anderson, Havre Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): Board of Crime Control representative
Officer Levi Talkington, Lewistown Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): local law enforcement officer
Chief James Marble, Stevensville Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): chief of police
Ms. Georgette Hogan, Hardin Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): county attorney
Rail Service Competition Council (Transportation)
Mayor Larry J. Bonderud, Shelby Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): knowledgeable of the trucking industry
Ms. Carla Allen, Denton Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): knowledgeable of class II railroads
Mr. Russell Hobbs, Columbia Falls Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): knowledgeable of transportation for the wood products industry
Resource Conservation Advisory Council (Natural Resources and Conservation)
Ms. Marieanne Hanser, Billings Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): South Central Montana
Mr. Robert Fossum, Richland Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): Eastern Montana
Mr. Buzz Mattelin, Culbertson Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): Conservation Districts
Mr. Dave Schwarz, Terry Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): Conservation Districts
Ms. Lauraine Johnson, Plains Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): Western Montana
Mr. O. Ramsey Offerdal, Conrad Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): North Central Montana
Mr. Pete Dallaserra, Butte Director 12/31/2010
Qualifications (if required): general public
Small Business Health Insurance Pool Board (Auditor)
Mr. Bob Marsenich, Polson Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): consumer representing small business
State Tax Appeals Board (Administration)
Ms. Samantha Sanchez, Helena Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Statewide Independent Living Council (Public Health and Human Services)
Mr. Bob Maffit, Helena Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): Independent Living Center representative
Ms. Nickie Fee, Great Falls Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Ms. Evelyn Oats, Box Elder Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): Section 121 representative
Ms. Melodie Bowen, Great Falls Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Ms. Lisa Moorehead, Bigfork Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative
Mr. Dave Swanson, Billings Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): Independent Living Center representative
Mr. Chris Cragwick, Missoula Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative/disabilities community/youth member
Ms. Kathy Bean, Helena Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): agency representative
Ms. Donell Neiss, Missoula Governor 12/1/2010
Qualifications (if required): public representative/disabilities community
Statewide Interoperability Executive Advisory Council (Administration)
Director Mike Ferriter, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Corrections
Director Janet Kelly, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Administration
Director Mary Sexton, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Mr. Chuck Winn, Bozeman Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): municipal government representative
Mr. Leo C. Dutton, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): county law enforcement representative
Director Jim Lynch, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Transportation
Ms. Sheena Wilson, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Governor's office representative
Commissioner Kathy Bessette, Havre Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): county government representative
Ms. Anna Whiting‑Sorrell, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Public Health and Human Services
Mr. Christian Mackay, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Executive officer of the Board of Livestock
Mr. Joe Maurier, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Director of the Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks
Atty. General Steve Bullock, Helena Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): attorney general
Chief Alan Michaels, Glendive Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): municipal law enforcement representative
Mr. Jeff Logan, Missoula Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): paid fire department representative
Mr. Rick Poss, Lewistown Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): emergency medical community representative
Ms. Heather Roos, Miles City Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): 9‑1‑1 community representative
Mr. Ed Joiner, Lame Deer Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): tribal government representative
Ms. Brenna Neinast, Havre Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): federal representative
Ms. Jodi Camrud, Billings Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): federal representative
Commissioner Ed Tinsley, Fort Harrison Governor 11/13/2010
Qualifications (if required): Administrator Disaster and Emergency Services Division
Transportation Commission (Transportation)
Ms. Nancy Espy, Broadus Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of District 4 and an Independent
Mr. S. Kevin Howlett, Arlee Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): resident of District 1 and has specific knowledge of Indian culture
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (Public Health and Human Services)
Ms. Ruby Clark, Poplar Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): family of survivor
Ms. Tana Ostrowski, Missoula Governor 1/1/2011
Qualifications (if required): advocate for brain injured