The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through December 31, 2007. This table includes those rules adopted during the period January 1, 2008, through March 31, 2008, and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past six-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).�
To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through December 31, 2007, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the MAR.�
This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2007 and 2008 Montana Administrative Register.�
To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.
1.2.419�������� Scheduled Dates for the 2008 Montana Administrative Register, p.�1310, 1682
ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2
I������������������� Examination Fees for Business and Industrial Development Corporations, p.�1500, 1932
2.4.202��������� and other rule - Minimum Refunds - State's Volume Cap Allocation, p.�1351, 35
2.5.120��������� and other rules - Procurement of Supplies and Services - Surplus Property, p.�1116, 1657, 36
2.6.101��������� Insurance Requirements, p.�1130, 37
2.6.205��������� and other rule - State Vehicle Use, p.�355, 614
2.13.202������� and other rules - Implementing HB 27: Defining Eligibility and Distribution of HB 27 Surcharge Funds for Wireless 911 Emergency Systems, p.�210, 558
2.59.104��������Semiannual Assessment of Banks, p.�1493, 1926
2.59.301������� and other rules - Regulation of Consumer Loan Licensees - Notification to the Department - Examinations, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses - Protection of Confidential Borrower Information - Application Procedure Required to Engage in Consumer Lending, Default, and Accrual of Interest or Amortization of Net Fees or Costs, p.�1353
2.59.401������� Credit Union Supervisory and Examination Fees, p.�1496, 1928
2.59.1401����� and other rules - Regulation of Title Lenders - Notification to the Department - Rescinded Loans - Examinations, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses - Protection of Confidential Borrower Information - Department's Cost of Administrative Action - Policy to Implement Limitations on Terms of Credit to Servicemembers and Dependents - Examination Fees - Required Record Keeping - Accrual of Interest - Unlicensed Activity - Title Loan Designation, p.�1377
2.59.1501����� and other rules - Regulation of Deferred Deposit Lenders - Affidavit of Borrower - Rescinded Loans - Examinations, Suspension, and Revocation of Licenses - Protection of Confidential Borrower Information - Department's Cost of Administrative Action - Policy to Implement Limitations on Terms of Credit to Servicemembers and Dependents - Examination Fees, p.�1387
2.59.1701����� and other rules - Licensing and Regulation of Mortgage Brokers and Loan Originators - Continuing Education - Prelicensing Examination - Fees, Nontraditional Mortgage Products - Designated Managers - Yield Spread Premium - Examinations - Failure to Correct Deficiencies - Protection of Confidential Borrower Information - Grounds for Denial of Applications - Requirements for Renewal Applications - Department's Cost of Administrative Action, p.�1360
(Public Employees' Retirement Board)
2.43.304��������Actuarial Rates and Assumptions, p.�430
2.43.441������� Purchase of Service Credit Through Trustee-to-Trustee Fund Transfers, p.�1841, 117
(Teachers' Retirement Board)
2.44.301A�����and other rules - Definitions - Optional Retirement Program - Calculating Service Credits - Corrections of Errors, Family Law Orders - Withholding of Insurance Premium from Retirement Benefit, p.�1132, 2120
2.44.308������ and other rules - Independent Contractors - Calculating Service Credits - Termination Pay - Earned Compensation - Benefit Adjustments, p.�1558, 2121, 38
(State Compensation Insurance Fund)
2.55.320������ Classifications of Employments, p.�1566, 2123
(State Lottery Commission)
2.63.1201����� and other rule - State Lottery's Procedures Pertaining to Prizes and Sales Incentives, p.�1569, 2009
AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4
I-VII�������������� (Departments of Agriculture and Livestock) Montana Certified Natural Beef Cattle Marketing Program, p.�1, 564
4.2.101��������� and other rules - Model Procedural Rules - Wheat and Barley Procedural Rule - Public Participation Rule in the Mint Program - Hail Insurance Program Public Participation, p.�433
4.4.303��������� Insured Crops, p.�215, 562
4.5.201��������� and other rules - Noxious Weed List Categories, p.�217, 563
4.12.1410������ and other rules - Virus-indexing Program, p.�1247, 1811
I-IV�������������� Debt Collections, p.�509
I-VI�������������� Permitting the Recognition of Preferred Mortality Tables for Use in Determining Minimum Reserve Liabilities, p.�1844, 136
I-XII������������� Funeral Insurance Rules, p.�1718, 118
6.6.3101������� and other rules - Long-Term Care, p.�222, 615
6.6.5221������� Small Business Health Insurance Purchasing Pool and Tax Credits, p.�436
6.6.8301������� Updating References to the NCCI Basic Manual for New Classifications for Various Industries, p.�513
COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8
I������������������� Administration of the 2008-2009 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, p.�1850
I������������������� Submission and Review of Applications to the Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP), p.�1853, 315
8.99.401��������and other rules - Microbusinesses, p.�1730, 486, 624
8.99.803������ Grant Review Committee - Submission and Review of Applications for Workforce Training Grants, p.�740, 1314
8.99.901������ and other rules - Award of Grants and Loans Under the Big Sky Economic Development Program, p.�1981, 324
(Montana Coal Board)
I������������������ Internal Management Procedures of the Montana Coal Board, p.�603
(Hard-Rock Mining Impact Board)
8.104.101������and other rules - Organizational and Procedural Rules of the Hard-Rock Mining Impact Board, p.�81
(Board of Housing)
I-III��������������� Board of Housing - Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, p.�1061, 1543
8.111.305����� and other rule - Homeownership Program, p.�267
8.111.501���� �and other rules - Housing Loans, p.�1855, 40
(Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission)
10.125.101��� and other rules - Transfer from the Department of Education - Sale of Real and Personal Property by the Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission, p.�2026, 492
(Montana State Library)
10.102.8101�� and other rule - Depository Procedures for State Documents, p.�1065, 1396, 1661
FISH, WILDLIFE, AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12
12.3.403������� Replacement Licenses, p.�995, 1323
(Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission)
I������������������� Notice of Adoption of a Temporary Emergency Rule - Closing the Smith River From Camp Baker to Eden Bridge, p.�626
I������������������� No Wake Zone on Echo Lake, p.�85
I������������������� No Wake Zone on Swan Lake, p.�87
I-III���������������Delegating Commission Authority to the Department to Close Public Waters in the Event of a Fire Emergency, p.�520
I-VI�������������� Angling Restrictions and Fishing Closures, p.�516
12.6.401������ Time Zones, p.�1142, 1662
12.9.1105����� Hunting Season Extensions, p.�750, 1442
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17
I-III��������������� Definitions - Certification of Energy Production, Transportation, and Research Facilities for Tax Abatement and Classification, p.�2046
17.56.101����� and other rules - Underground Storage Tanks - Management of Underground Storage Tanks - Incorporation by Reference - Assessment of Administrative Penalties, p.�915, 1189, 1667
17.56.502����� and other rules - Underground Storage Tanks - Reporting and Numbering Petroleum Releases, p.�1743, 2124
17.74.401����� and other rules - Asbestos - Asbestos Control Program Fees, p.�942, 1933
(Board of Environmental Review)
17.8.102������� and other rules - Air Quality - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations and Other Materials into Air Quality Rules, p.�800, 1663
17.8.501������� and other rules - Air Quality - Definitions - Air Quality Operation Fees - Open Burning Fees, p.�795, 1664
17.30.502����� and other rules - Water Quality - Subdivisions - CECRA - Underground Storage Tanks - Department Circular DEQ-7, p.�2035
17.30.610����� Water Quality - Surface Water Quality, p.�2043
17.30.617����� and other rule - Water Quality - Outstanding Resource Water Designation for the Gallatin River, p.�2294, 328, 1398, 438
17.38.101����� and other rule - Public Water and Sewage Systems - Plans for Public Water Supply or Wastewater System - Fees, p.�1067, 1666
TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18
18.4.110������� and other rules - Acceptance and Use of Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures, p.�998, 1445
18.6.202������� and other rule - Transportation Commission - Electronic Billboards, p.�523
CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20
20.7.801������� Eastmont Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, p.�605
20.7.1101����� and other rule - Conditions on Probation or Parole, p.�1984, 273
JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23
(Gambling Control Division)
I������������������� Procedure for Providing Notice to Multi-Game Machine Owners and Lessees to Connect to an Approved Accounting and Reporting System, p.�440
23.16.102������and other rules - Effective Date of Forms - Removal of Form 1 from the Rules - Application Time Limit for Utilizing an Approved Automated Accounting and Reporting System as Part of a Vending Agreement, p.�1572, 1859, 2010, 2126
23.16.209����� and other rules - Possession and Display of Antique Slot Machines - Approved Accounting and Reporting System Availability Date - General Specifications of Approved Automated Accounting and Reporting Systems, p.�1149, 1544
LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24
Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order following the department rules.�
I-III��������������� Medical Benefits Payable by the Uninsured Employers Fund, p.�1077, 1446
8.11.101������� and other rules - Transfer from the Department of Commerce - Licensed Addiction Counselors, p.�380
24.7.201������� and other rules - Board of Labor Appeals - Procedural Rules, p.�813, 1325
24.7.302�������� and other rules - Board of Labor Appeals Procedural Rules, p.�8, 628
24.11.445����� and other rules - Unemployment Insurance Matters, p.�1258, 1669
24.29.207����� and other rules - Workers' Compensation Medical Fee Schedule for Nonfacilities - Workers' Compensation Medical Treatment and Utilization Guidelines for Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Chiropractors - Other Matters Related to Workers' Compensation Claims, p.�1265, 1670
24.29.1529��� Allowable Charges for Prescription Drugs Under a Workers' Compensation Claim, p.�1581, 2011
24.29.1529��� Allowable Charges for Prescription Drugs Under a Workers' Compensation Claim, p.�1152, 1676
24.101.413��� and other rule - Licensed Addiction Counselors - Renewals - Fees, p.�444
(Alternative Health Care Board)
24.111.407��� and other rules - Nonroutine Applications - Licensing by Examination - Licensing by Endorsement - Natural Substance Formulary - Apprenticeship Requirements, p.�358
(Board of Architects and Landscape Architects)
24.114.401��� and other rule - Fee Schedule - Examination, p.�11
(Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists)
24.121.301��� and other rules - Definitions - Premises and General Requirements - Applications for Licensure - School-Facility and Operation - Teacher-Training Curriculum - Salons/Booth Rental - Sanitary Standards - Unprofessional Conduct - Anonymous Complaints - Disinfecting Agents - Blood Spills, p.�1502, 382
(Board of Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners)
24.129.401��� and other rules - Fees - Supervision - Standards for Licensure - Unprofessional Conduct - Inspections - Notification, p.�1584, 629
(Board of Dentistry)
24.138.403��� and other rules - Mandatory Certification - Initial Licensure of Dentists by Examination - Initial Licensure of Hygienists by Examination - Dentist Licensure by Credentials - Dental Hygienist Licensure by Credentials - Dentist Licensure by Credentials for Specialists - Dental Hygiene Local Anesthetic Agent Certification -Denturist Application Requirements - Application to Convert an Inactive Status License to an Active Status License - Renewals - Reactivation of an Expired License - Licensure of Retired or Nonpracticing Dentist or Dental Hygienist for Volunteer Service - Reactivation of a Lapsed License, p.�1004, 1812
24.138.407��� and other rules - Functions for Dental Hygienists - Specialty Advertising - Hygiene Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, p.�14, 566
24.138.502��� and other rules - Licensure, p.�527
(Board of Medical Examiners)
24.156.1306���Professional Conduct - Standards of Professional Practice, p.�1751
24.156.2701�� and other rules - Definitions - Unprofessional Conduct - EMT License Application - Equivalent Education - License Renewal - Fees - EMT Training Program/Course Application and Approval - Examinations - EMT Levels of Licensure - EMT Course Requirements - EMT Clinical Requirements - Revision of Curriculum and Statewide Protocols - Scope of Practice, p.�1081, 1813
(Board of Nursing)
24.159.301��� and other rules - Definitions - Standards Related to the Practical Nurse - Prohibited IV Therapies, p.�279, 532
(Board of Occupational Therapy Practice)
24.165.404��� and other rules - Applications - Supervision - Instruction - Training - Modalities - Unprofessional Conduct, p. �757, 1450
(Board of Pharmacy)
24.174.301��� and other rules - Definitions - Fee Schedule - Ambulatory Surgical Facilities - Continuing Education, p.�447
24.174.301��� and other rules - Definitions - Internship - Fee Schedules - Examination - Transfer - Vaccines - Collaborative Practice - Preceptor Requirements - General Licensure - Ownership - Ambulatory Facilities - Wholesale Licensing - Pharmacy Closure - Change in Location - Change in Ownership - Medical Gas - Foreign Interns - Technicians - Centralized Prescription and Drug Orders - Central Filling by Hub Pharmacies, p.�636, 1936
24.174.401��� Fee Schedule, p.�2051, 631
(Board of Private Alternative Adolescent Residential or Outdoor Programs)
24.101.413��� and other rules - Renewals - Registration Fee Schedule - Fee Abatement - Licensing Fee Schedule, p.�451
(Board of Private Security)
24.182.401��� and other rule - Experience Requirements, p.�89
(Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors)
24.101.413��� and other rules - Renewal Dates - Fees - Applications - Application Disposal -Examination Procedures - Grant and Issue Licenses - Inactive Status - Teaching Engineering Subjects - Certificate of Authorization, p.�762, 1327
(Board of Psychologists)
24.189.401��� and other rule - Fees - Minimum Standards, p.�771, 1337
(Board of Radiologic Technologists)
24.204.401��� and other rules - Fees - Permit Fees - Applications - Examinations, p.�1754, 325
(Board of Realty Regulation)
24.101.413��� and other rules - Renewal Dates and Requirements - Definitions - General Provisions - Brokers and Salespersons - Property Management - Inactive Status - Continuing Education - Application of Rules - Investigations Committee - Application for Examination - Nonresident License - Application for Examination, p.�407, 1329
24.210.401��� and other rules - Fees - Unprofessional Conduct - Continuing Education - Timeshare Course - Timeshare Exam - Timeshare Renewal - Fee Schedule, p.�947, 1815
24.210.641��� Unprofessional Conduct, p.�366
(Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners)
24.101.413��� and other rules - Renewal Dates and Requirements - Fee Schedule - Application for Licensure - Renewals - Inactive Status - Continuing Education Requirements - Traditional Education by Nonsponsored Organizations - Waiver of Continuing Education Requirement - Temporary Permit, p.�574, 1447
(Board of Sanitarians)
24.216.402��� and other rules - Fee Schedule - Minimum Standards for Licensure - Examination, p.�953, 1817
(Board of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists)
24.222.301��� and other rules - Definitions - Licensure - Temporary Practice Permits - Supervision - Functions of Aides or Assistants - Continuing Education, p.�2054, 385
(Board of Veterinary Medicine)
24.225.401�� and other rules - Fees - Infectious Waste - Licensing - Embryo Transfer - Euthanasia Technicians and Agencies - Complaints - Screening Panel - Nonroutine Applications, p.�2062, 633
LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32
32.2.403������ Diagnostic Laboratory Fees, p.�1285, 1678
32.18.101���� Hot Iron Brands, p.�1294, 1679
(Board of Horse Racing)
I-VIII������������ Advance Deposit Account Wagering on Horse Racing and Greyhound Racing, p.�18, 494
32.28.709���� and other rules - Horse Racing, p.�1861, 41
MILITARY AFFAIRS, Department of, Title 34
I-VIII Montana Military Family Relief Fund, p.�1870, 43
34.7.101������� and other rules - Reimbursement for Life Insurance Premiums Paid by Montana Reserve Component Service Members Serving Outside Montana in a Contingency Operation, p.�1864, 42
36.12.101����� and other rules - Definitions - Filing Fee Refunds - Objection to Application, p.�1527, 567
36.12.101����� and other rule - Definitions - Basin Closure Area Exceptions and Compliance, p.�1164, 140
36.12.102����� and other rule - Forms - Form and Special Fees, p.�2075, 326
(Board of Land Commissioners)
36.25.801������ and other rules - Land Banking Program, p.�289
I & II������������ General Medicaid Services - Physician Administered Drugs, p.�376
I-VIII������������ Newborn Hearing Screening, p.�2082, 171
I-IX�������������� Awarding Grants to Carry Out the Purposes of the Montana Community Health Center Support Act, p.�1990
I-X��������������� 72-Hour Presumptive Eligibility for Adult Crisis Stabilization Services, p.�307, 641
I-XVI������������ Home and Community Services for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed Youth, p.�2100, 335
37.8.102������� and other rules - Vital Statistics, p.�1768, 2127, 169
37.30.405����� Vocational Rehabilitation Program Payment for Services, p.�369
37.30.730����� Vocational Rehabilitation Program Provider Fees, p.�1588, 2012
37.57.301����� and other rules - Newborn Screening Tests and Eye Treatment, p.�1790, 44
37.70.401����� and other rules - Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program (LIWAP), p.�1532, 1948
37.70.601����� Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), p.�372
37.78.102����� and other rules - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), p.�534
37.78.102����� and other rules - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), p.�1296, 1818, 172
37.79.102����� and other rules - Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), p.�1591, 49
37.80.101����� and other rules - Child Care Assistance Program, p.�1758, 174
37.81.104����� and other rules - Pharmacy Access Prescription Drug Benefit Program (Big Sky Rx), p.�457
37.82.101����� Medicaid Eligibility, p.�1619, 2131
37.82.435����� Medicaid Real Property Liens, p.�1608, 2132
37.85.207����� and other rules - Inpatient Hospital, Outpatient Hospital, and Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Services, p.�957, 1680
37.85.212����� Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), p.�607
37.85.212����� Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), p.�462, 1339
37.86.702����� and other rules - Audiology Services - Dental - Outpatient Drug Services - Home Infusion Therapy - Durable Medical Equipment and Medical Supplies - Optometric Services - EPSDT - Transportation - Ambulance Services, p.�1400, 1824
37.86.1101����and other rule - Medicaid Reimbursement for Dispensing Fees and Outpatient Compound Prescriptions, p.�1611, 53
37.86.1801��� and other rules - Durable Medical Equipment - Medical Supplies, p.�1633, 2134
37.86.2207��� Medicaid Reimbursement for the Therapeutic Portion of Therapeutic Youth Group Home Treatment Services, p.�31, 634
37.86.3607��� Case Management Services for Persons With Developmental Disabilities, Reimbursement, p.�1015, 1681
37.88.1111��� Direct Care Wage Add-on for Certain Mental Health Care Providers, p.�612
37.104.601��� and other rules - Automated External Defibrillators, p.�2094, 337
37.108.507��� Components of Quality Assessment Activities, p.�301
PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38
38.2.5001����� and other rules - Protective Orders - Protection of Confidential Information, p.�833, 2135
38.5.1902����� Cogeneration and Small Power Production, p.�1020, 2140
38.5.2202����� and other rule - Pipeline Safety, p.�1642, 2145
38.5.6001����� and other rules - Public Utilities - Electricity Suppliers - Natural Gas Suppliers, p.�93, 575
38.5.8301����� and other rule - Renewable Energy Standards for Public Utilities and Electricity Suppliers, p.�1798, 2146
REVENUE, Department of, Title 42
I������������������ Property Tax Refund Hardship Request, p.�1804, 2156
I & II������������ Tax Year 2007 Property Tax Credit, p.�1807, 58
I-III�������������� Property Tax Incentives for New Investment, Development Research, and Technology Related to Renewable Energy, p.�1878
I-IV�������������� Biodiesel and Biolubricant Tax Credit, p.�1892, 61
I-XII������������� Local Government Tax Increment Financing Districts (TIFD), p.�548
42.2.304��������and other rules - General Department Rules, p.�2000, 340
42.4.118������� and other rules - Alternative Energy Tax Credits, p.�1913, 387
42.4.502������ Capital Gain Credit, p.�1896, 57
42.4.1603����� and other rule - New and Expanded Industry Credits, p.�1889, 60
42.4.2701����� and other rule - Qualified Endowment, p.�1885, 62
42.4.3102����� and other rule - Contractor's Gross Receipts Taxes, p.�1883, 63
42.4.3301����� and other rules - Movie, Television, and Related Media Tax Credits, p.�1919, 64
42.15.108����� and other rules - Individual Income Taxes, p.�1905, 178
42.17.101����� and other rules - Mineral Royalty Backup Withholding, p.�1647, 2151
42.17.105����� and other rules - Estimated Tax Payments, p.�1900, 65
42.18.128����� and other rule - Property Taxes - Appraisal Plan Definitions and Disabled Veterans, p.�1645, 2155
42.21.113����� and other rules - Personal, Industrial, and Centrally Assessed Property Taxes, p.�1412, 1826
42.31.501����� Telecommunications License and Telecommunications Excise Tax, p.�1655, 642
SECRETARY OF STATE, Office of, Title 44
1.2.419���������Scheduled Dates for the 2008 Montana Administrative Register, p.�1310, 1682
44.2.101������� and other rules - Commissioning of Notaries Public, p.�1923, 66
44.14.301����� and other rules - Records and Information Management Fees, p.�1175, 1685
(Commissioner of Political Practices)
I������������������� Limitations on Individual and Political Party Contributions, p.�471
44.10.331����� Limitations on Receipts from Political Committees to Legislative Candidates, p.�1172, 1684
44.10.335����� and other rules - Constituent Services Accounts, p.�474