Accumulative Table No. 3   02/08/2007    
    Page No.: 211 -- 219
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The Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) is a compilation of existing permanent rules of those executive agencies that have been designated by the Montana Administrative Procedure Act for inclusion in the ARM. The ARM is updated through September 30, 2006. This table includes those rules adopted during the period September 1 through December 31, 2006 and any proposed rule action that was pending during the past six-month period. (A notice of adoption must be published within six months of the published notice of the proposed rule.) This table does not include the contents of this issue of the Montana Administrative Register (MAR or Register).

To be current on proposed and adopted rulemaking, it is necessary to check the ARM updated through September 30, 2006, this table, and the table of contents of this issue of the MAR.

This table indicates the department name, title number, rule numbers in ascending order, catchphrase or the subject matter of the rule, and the page number at which the action is published in the 2006 and 2007 Montana Administrative Register.

To aid the user, the Accumulative Table includes rulemaking actions of such entities as boards and commissions listed separately under their appropriate title number.


1.2.419 Scheduled Dates for the 2007 Montana Administrative Register, p.�2820, 3112

ADMINISTRATION, Department of, Title 2

I������������������������Retention of Credit Union Records, p.�1759, 3068

I-VIII������������������Montana Land Information Act, p.�950, 1864

2.21.3702����� �and other rules - Recruitment and Selection Policy, p.�1482, 2901, 33

2.21.6505�������and other rules - Discipline Handling, p.�1923, 2565

2.59.111���������Retention of Bank Records, p.�1762, 3066

2.59.1409�������Duration of Loans - Interest - Extensions, p.�1099, 1866

2.59.1705�������and other rule - Licensing Examination and Continuing Education Provider Requirements - Records to be Maintained, p.�1498, 2104

(State Compensation Insurance Fund)

2.55.320����������and other rule - Classifications of Employments - Individual Loss Sensitive Dividend Plans, p.�2440, 3065

(Office of the State Public Defender)

I-VI��������������������Office of the State Public Defender, p.�2068, 2572

AGRICULTURE, Department of, Title 4

I-IV�������������������Montana Pulse Crop Research and Market Development Program, p.�1977, 2403

4.11.1201�������and other rule - Specific Agricultural Ground Water Management Plan, p.�1765, 2109

4.12.3009�������and other rule - Seed Laboratory Fees, p.�1929, 2129

4.12.3013�������Seed Civil Penalties Matrix, p.�2996

4.17.102���������Organic Certification Program, p.�71


6.6.5203���������Small Business Health Insurance Purchasing Pool - Premium Assistance and Premium Incentive Payments - Tax Credits, p.�1502, 1954

COMMERCE, Department of, Title 8

I������������������������Administration of the 2007-2008 Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, p.�2999

8.99.901���������and other rules - Award of Grants and Loans under the Big Sky Economic Development Program, p.�1


(Superintendent of Public Instruction)

10.7.106���������and other rules - General Fund: Quality Educator Payments - At Risk Student Payments - Indian Education for All Payments - American Indian Achievement Gap Payments - School Finance, p.�2728, 3070

(Board of Public Education)

I��������������������������Assignment of Persons Providing Instruction to Braille Students, p.�2869

10.54.5010�������and other rules - Science Content Standards - Performance Descriptors, p.�2175, 2910

10.58.102���������and other rules - Educator Preparation Programs, p.�2198

10.65.101���������Pupil Instruction-related Days, p.�1769, 2404

(Montana State Library)

10.102.4001�����Reimbursement to Libraries for Interlibrary Loans, p.�1197, 2405

FISH, WILDLIFE, AND PARKS, Department of, Title 12

(Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission)

12.6.2205��������and other rules - Exotic Species, p.�1771, 1935, 2823

12.8.211����������and other rules - Commercial Use of Lands under the Control of the Department, p.�1779, 88

12.9.802����������and other rules - Game Damage Hunts - Management Seasons - Game Damage Response and Assistance, p.�1105, 1201, 1867

ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, Department of, Title 17

17.50.213�������Motor Vehicle Recycling and Disposal - Reimbursement Payments for Abandoned Vehicle Removal, p.�2444, 2961

17.53.105�������Hazardous Waste - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations into the Hazardous Waste Program, p.�2288, 3074

17.74.343�������and other rules - Asbestos Control - Asbestos Control Program, p.�125, 1574, 1876

17.74.350�������and other rules - Asbestos Control - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations into the Asbestos Control Program - Definitions - Asbestos Project Control Measures, and Clearing Asbestos Projects, p.�2291, 2962

17.74.502�������and other rules - Methamphetamine Cleanup Program - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations into the Methamphetamine Cleanup Rules and Clearance Sampling, p.�2285, 2963

17.85.101������ and other rules - Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program, p.�1678, 3075, 34

(Board of Environmental Review)

17.8.101���������and other rules - Incorporation by Reference of Current Federal Regulations and Other Materials into Air Quality Rules, p.�823, 1956

17.8.501���������and other rules - Air Quality - Definitions - Air Quality Operation Fees - Open Burning Fees, p.�1504, 2410

17.8.740���������and other rules - Air Quality - Definitions - Incorporation by Reference - Mercury Emission Standards - Mercury Emission Credit Allocations, p.�1112, 2575

17.30.617�������and other rule - Water Quality - Outstanding Resource Water Designation for the Gallatin River, p.�2294

17.30.630�������Water Quality - Temporary Water Quality Standards, p.�1981, 3072

17.30.1303�����and other rule - Water Quality - Incorporations by Reference - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, p.�3002

(Board of Environmental Review and the Department of Environmental Quality)

17.24.132�������and other rules - Air Quality - Asbestos - Hazardous Waste - Junk Vehicles - Major Facility Siting - Metal Mine Reclamation - Opencut Mining - Public Water Supply - Septic Pumpers - Solid Waste - Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation - Subdivisions - Underground Storage Tanks - Water Quality - Revising Enforcement Procedures Under the Montana Strip and Underground Mine Reclamation Act, Metal Mine Reclamation Laws, and Opencut Mining Act - Providing Uniform Factors for Determining Penalties, p.�2523, 1139, 1379, 1874

TRANSPORTATION, Department of, Title 18

18.6.202����������and other rules - Transportation Commission - Outdoor Advertising, p.�276, 1878

CORRECTIONS, Department of, Title 20

I-XIX������������������Regional Correctional Facilities, p.�2872, 36

JUSTICE, Department of, Title 23

23.12.103�������and other rules - Responsibility for Costs - Criminal History Records Program, p.�2477, 2959

23.16.1802�����and other rules - Frequency of Reporting by Approved Accounting Systems - Definitions - Letters of Withdrawal - Record Keeping Requirements, p.�2297, 2916

23.16.1802�����and other rules - Identification Decal for Video Gambling Machines - Define System Availability - Definitions - Online Permitting for Video Gambling Machines - Issuance of Updated Gambling Operator Licenses After Permitting - Renewal of Gambling Operator Licenses - Quarterly Reporting Requirements - Accounting System Vendor License Fee - Requirement for Parties to Multi-game Agreements to Connect to an Approved System, p.�1936, 2131

23.16.1901�����Video Gambling Machine Specifications, p.�2890, 42

23.17.101��������and other rules - MLEA Attendance - MLEA Performance Criteria - Rules, Regulations, Policies, and Procedures - Waiver of Rules, p.�1690, 2302, 2917

LABOR AND INDUSTRY, Department of, Title 24

Boards under the Business Standards Division are listed in alphabetical order following the department rules.

I������������������������Board of Personnel Appeals - Summary Judgment Practice and Procedure, p.�2311, 3077

I-V��������������������Country of Origin Placarding for Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Lamb, p.�2469

24.11.452A����and other rules - Unemployment Insurance, p.�1699, 2411

24.17.127������ Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Work Projects - Building Construction Services, p.�1217, 2832

24.21.411�������and other rules - Apprenticeship and Training Program, p.�2073, 2658

24.29.1401�����and other rules - Allowable Medical Service Billing Rates for Workers' Compensation Claims, p.�2759

24.29.2831�����Penalties Assessed Against Uninsured Employers, p.�1703, 2040

24.30.1302�����and other rule - Occupational Health and Safety in Mines, p.�1706, 2041

24.301.131�����and other rules - Building Codes, p.�2319, 112

24.351.215�����License Fee Schedule for Weighing and Measuring Devices, p.�1356, 2661

(Board of Alternative Health Care)

I & II������������������Fee Abatement - License Renewal for Activated Military Reservists, p.�706, 1881

24.111.401�����and other rules - General Provisions - Certification for Specialty Practice of Naturopathic Childbirth Attendance - Licensing and Scope of Practice for Direct-entry Midwifery - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Additional Recommended Screening Procedures - Nonroutine Applications, p.�3006

(Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists)

24.121.407������and other rule - Premises and General Requirements - Restrooms, p.�4

(Crane and Hoisting Operating Engineers Program)

I���������������������������Incorporation by Reference of ANSI B30.5, p.�1509, 2042

(Board of Dentistry)

24.138.301�����and other rules - General Provisions - Licensing - Renewals and Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Screening Panel - Anesthesia - Professional Assistance Program - Reactivation of a Lapsed License - Reactivation of an Expired License - Definition of Nonroutine Application - Fee Abatement - Reinstatement of License for Nonpayment of Renewal Fee - Denturist License Reinstatement - Complaint Procedure, p.�1795, 43

(Board of Medical Examiners)

I-IX�������������������Professional Assistance Program, p.�1015, 1957

24.101.413�����and other rule - With the Department of Labor and Industry - Renewal Dates and Requirements - Renewals, p.�11

24.156.901�����and other rules - Fees - Applications - Approval of Schools - Reciprocity Licenses - Renewals Pertaining to Osteopathic Physicians, p.�8

24.156.1601���and other rules - Physician Assistant Licensure, p.�483, 1958�

(Board of Nursing)

8.32.301����������and other rules - Nursing, p.�956, 2035

(Board of Optometry)

24.168.301������and other rules - Definitions - General Provisions - Diagnostic Permissible Drugs - Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents - Continuing Education - Screening Panel - Fee Abatement - Examinations - Approved Courses and Examinations - New Licensees - Applicants for Licensure - Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents-Complaint Procedure, p.�2450

(Board of Outfitters)

24.171.401�����and other rules - Fees - Inactive License - Transfer of River-use Days - Unprofessional Conduct and Misconduct - Guide Logs, p.�2769

(Board of Pharmacy)

24.174.401������and other rule - Fees - Dangerous Drug Fee Schedule, p.�1814, 2134

(Board of Plumbers)

24.180.401�����and other rules - General Provisions - Licensing and Scope of Practice - Reciprocity Licensure - Temporary Exemptions - Reciprocity, p.�2892

(Board of Private Security Patrol Officers and Investigators)

8.50.423����������and other rules - Private Security Patrol Officers and Investigators - Fee Schedule - Firearms Training Course Curriculum and Standards, p.�605, 1926

24.182.401�����and other rules - Fee Schedule - Licensure Requirements - Type of Firearm - Requirements for Firearms Instructor Licensure - Armed Requalification Required Annually - Company Licensure and Branch Offices - Rules for Branch Office, p.�1710, 2918

(Board of Psychologists)

24.189.301�����and other rules - Definitions - Fee Schedule - Use of Title - Required Supervised Experience, p.�2461

(Board of Radiologic Technologists)

24.204.208�����and other rules - Applications - Limited Permit Applications - Types - Permits - Practice Limitations - Permit Examinations - Renewal - Proof of Good Standing, p.�1819, 2659

24.204.401�����and other rules - Fee Schedule - Limited Permit Holder Fees - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct, p.�2314

(Board of Real Estate Appraisers)

24.207.401�����and other rules - Fees - Adoption of USPAP by Reference - Appraisal Review - Mentor Requirements, p.�3022

24.207.506�����and other rules - Qualifying Education Requirements for Residential Certification - Qualifying Experience - Trainee Requirements - Continuing Education - Scope of Practice, p.�75

(Board of Realty Regulation)

24.210.602������Examination, p.�1824, 46

(Board of Respiratory Care Practitioners)

24.213.402������and other rule - Application for Licensure - Examination, p.�1716, 2660

(Board of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists)

24.222.301�����and other rules - Definitions - Fees - Licensing and Scope of Practice - Speech Pathology and Audiology Aides - Continuing Education - Unprofessional Conduct - Fee Abatement - Licensure of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, p.�1337, 2413

LIVESTOCK, Department of, Title 32

32.2.403 Diagnostic Laboratory Fees, p.�1359, 1882

32.3.104 and other rules - Disease Control, p.�2775


36.11.304�������and other rules - Equipment Operation in the SMZ - Retention of Trees and Clearcutting in the SMZ - Site-specific Alternative Practices - Definitions - Penalties for Violation of the Streamside Management Zone Law, p.�499, 1883

(Board of Oil and Gas Conservation)

36.22.1242������Privilege and License Tax Rates on Oil and Gas, p.�1827, 2110

36.22.1308������and other rule - Plugging and Restoration Bond - Financial Responsibility, p.�82


I�������������������������Determining Unenforceable Case Status in Child Support Cases, p.�2898, 118

I-XIV�����������������State Trauma Care System, p.�723, 1896

I-XXVIII�������������Home and Community-based Services for Adults with Severe Disabling Mental Illness, p.�1996, 2665

37.5.103����������and other rules - Fair Hearing Procedures and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), p.�2784, 47

37.5.125����������and other rules - Older Blind Program, p.�1987, 48

37.12.401��������Laboratory Testing Fees, p.�1227, 2043

37.30.102������ �Vocational Rehabilitation IPE Care Requirements, p.�18

37.30.405������� Vocational Rehabilitation Program Payment for Services, p.�1223, 1892

37.62.101��������and other rules - Child Support Guidelines, p.�2476, 117

37.78.102��������and other rule - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Incorporation of Policy Manuals, p.�3026

37.78.102�������and other rules - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), p.�1720, 2415

37.80.101�������and other rules - Child Care Assistance Program, p.�1555, 2964

37.82.101�������and other rules - Medicaid Assistance, p.�21

37.82.101�������and other rule - Medicaid Eligibility, p.�1830, 2418

37.82.101�������Medicaid Assistance, p.�1550, 2417

37.85.406�������and other rules - Medicaid Reimbursement of Hospitals, Provider Based Entities, and Birthing Centers, p.�2793, 3078

37.86.1001������and other rules - Medicaid Dental Services - Durable Medical Equipment - Eyeglass Services - Ambulance Services - Transportation, p.�1126, 1894

37.86.2803�����and other rules - Medicaid Reimbursement for Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Services, p.�2024, 2849

37.95.102�������and other rules - Licensure of Day Care Facilities, p.�2572, 201, 1424, 2136

37.104.101�����and other rules - Emergency Medical Services, p.�1368, 2420

37.108.507�����Components of Quality Assessment Activities, p.�14

37.112.101�����and other rules - Tattooing and Body Piercing, p.�2339

37.114.101�����and other rules - Control of Communicable Diseases, p.�1512, 2112

PUBLIC SERVICE REGULATION, Department of, Title 38

38.5.2202�������and other rules - Pipeline Safety - National Electrical Safety Code, p.�2372, 2966

38.5.3301�������and other rules - Telecommunications Service Standards, p.�1844, 2967

REVENUE, Department of, Title 42

I & II������������������Hospital Utilization Fee for Inpatient Bed Days, p.�2562, 3109

I-VI������������������� Movie and Television Industries and Related Media - Tax Credit, p.�1564, 1960

42.3.101����������and other rules - Waiver of Penalties and Interest, p.�3051

42.11.104��������and other rules - Liquor Vendors, Purchasing, and Distribution, p.�3031

42.13.101��������and other rules - Regulations of Liquor Licensees, p.�3044

42.18.107��������and other rules - General Provisions and Certification Requirements for Appraising Property, p.�2520, 3101

42.19.401�������and other rules - Low Income Property - Disabled Veterans Tax Exemptions - Energy Related Tax Incentives - New Industrial Property, p.�2555, 3102

42.20.101�������and other rules - Valuation of Real Property - Classification of Nonproductive Patented Mining Claims, Agricultural Land, and Forest Land, p.�2533, 3103, 56, 119

42.20.106�������and other rule - Manufactured and Mobile Homes, p.�1238, 1961

42.21.113�������and other rules - Personal, Industrial, and Centrally Assessed Property Taxes, p.�2375, 2979

42.21.116�������and other rules - Personal Property, p.�2529, 3108, 122

42.21.158�������Property Reporting Requirements, p.�1235, 1962

42.31.102�������and other rules - Tobacco Products and Cigarettes, p.�1943, 124


1.2.419������������Scheduled Dates for the 2007 Montana Administrative Register, p.�2820, 3112

44.2.203����������Priority Handling of Documents, p.�1569, 2138

44.3.101����������and other rules - Elections, p.�2077, 2671

(Commissioner of Political Practices)

44.12.204���������Payment Threshold--Inflation Adjustment for Lobbyists, p.�2400, 2982

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