TO: All Concerned Persons
1. On August 7, 2020, the Department of Revenue published MAR Notice No. 42-1022 pertaining to the public hearing on the proposed amendment of the above-stated rules at page 1506 of the 2020 Montana Administrative Register, Issue Number 15.
2. On August 31, 2020, a public hearing was held to consider the proposed amendment. Joe Conti, representing Hayden Mountain Spirits, appeared and testified at the hearing. No other oral or written comments were received.
3. The department amends the above-stated rules as proposed.
4. The department has thoroughly considered the comments and testimony received. A summary of the comments received and the department's response are as follows:
COMMENT #1: Mr. Conti expressed support for the proposed rulemaking which improves some of the stocking and overstock issues he has observed. At the hearing, Mr. Conti questioned whether the department's proposed changes to a quarterly process would change department notifications to vendors.
RESPONSE #1: The department appreciates the positive feedback from Mr. Conti. Steve Swanson, operations analyst for the department's Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, answered the question during the hearing stating the only change in the department's notification process would be the frequency of the correspondence to the department's vendors; no substantive procedural changes are contemplated.
/s/ Todd Olson /s/ Gene Walborn
Todd Olson Gene Walborn
Rule Reviewer Director of Revenue
Certified to the Secretary of State September 15, 2020.