(1) Except as provided in (2), an owner or operator of a concrete batch plant required to be registered under this subchapter shall control particulate emissions from the facility at all times during operation using:
(a) a fabric filter dust collector or equivalent on each cement silo, cement storage silo, or similarly enclosed storage bin or weigh hopper; and
(b) a particulate containment boot or equivalent on every product loadout opening.
(2) If a concrete batch plant required to register under this subchapter that commenced operation prior to April 27, 2019 does not have the control equipment in (1) installed at the time of registration, the owner or operator of the facility shall install the equipment no later than twelve months after registration.
(3) In addition to the general requirements in ARM 17.8.1811, the owner or operator shall conduct a monthly inspection of each operating facility for fugitive dust. If visible emissions from the fabric filter are present, the inspection must include an inspection of the fabric filter for evidence of leaking, damaged, or missing filters. The owner or operator shall take appropriate corrective actions to restore the filter system to proper operation before resuming normal operations.
History: 75-2-111, 75-2-234, MCA; IMP, 75-2-234, MCA; NEW, 2019 MAR p. 425, Eff. 4/27/19.