37.40.106 INTERMEDIATE NURSING CARE (1) Intermediate care services may be included in facilities licensed as a skilled nursing home or a personal care home which has a registered or a licensed practical nurse on duty eight hours a day, seven days a week, and with adequate personnel to provide the necessary nursing supervision and care to the intermediate care cases. No additional professional nurses will be required to render skilled nursing care. (2) The intermediate nursing care patient needs some nursing service which is largely routine and whose major needs are for light personal care services. The following treatment services may indicate the need for intermediate nursing home care: oral medication after routine dosage established; routine catheter care; routine service for indwelling catheter; routine change in dressing to non-infected area; routine skin care; care of small decubitus ulcer; routine inhalation therapy; and maintenance care of colostomy or ileostomy. (3) The following personal care services usually indicate the need for intermediate care. The incontinent patient needs to be dressed and bathed, may be a bed to chair patient, may need some restraints and constant watching for safety, needs help with toileting, needs help for ambulation or constant watching to prevent falls, needs help with eating, may be confused or senile and at times uncooperative, may have impairment, such as blindness or deafness and these impairments require some extra attention. History: Sec. 53-6-113, MCA; IMP, Sec. 53-6-113, MCA; NEW, Eff. 1/3/77; TRANS, from SRS, 2000 MAR p. 489. |