36.12.114 SOURCE NAME STANDARDS (1) A source name must adhere to one of the following, which are shown in order of preference: (a) USGS map; (b) water resource survey book; or (c) DNRC water rights database. (2) Waste and seepage is not an accepted source name. Waste and seepage must be described as an unnamed tributary (UT) to the next named source into which the UT flows. History: 85-2-113, MCA; IMP, 85-2-301 through 85-2-319, 85-2-321 through 85-2-323, 85-2-329 through 85-2-331, 85-2-335 through 85-2-338, 85-2-340 through 85-2-344, 85-2-350, 85-2-351, 85-2-401, 85-2-402, 85-2-407, 85-2-408, 85-2-410 through 85-2-413, 85-2-415 through 85-2-419, 85-2-436, 85-2-437, 85-2-439, 85-2-501 through 85-2-512, 85-2-601 through 85-2-606, 85-2-608, 85-2-804 through 85-2-806, MCA; NEW, 2004 MAR p. 3036, Eff. 1/1/05. |