37.106.1458 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL (1) The SUDF must develop and implement an infection prevention and control program and review the program annually. (2) The SUDF must have written policies and procedures regarding infection prevention and control which include: (a) procedures to identify high risk individuals; (b) specific procedures to address tuberculosis (TB), Hepatitis A, Hepatitis C, sexually transmitted infections (STI), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); and (c) the identification of methods used to protect, contain, or minimize the risk to clients, staff members, and visitors. (3) The administrator or designated person is responsible for the direction, provision, and quality of infection prevention and control services. (4) Facilities must implement TB screening for all staff members and clients based upon an annual TB Risk assessment as set forth by the Montana Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program pursuant to ARM Title 37, chapter 114, subchapter 10. Risk assessment and TB manuals are found at https://dphhs.mt.gov/publichealth/cdepi/diseases/Tuberculosis/.
History: 50-5-103, MCA; IMP, 50-5-103, MCA; NEW, 2022 MAR p. 2025, Eff. 9/24/22. |