2.59.2047 DISCLOSURE FORMS (1) The department adopts as a model, but not as a requirement, the Comptroller of the Currency's model short form disclosure at 12 CFR 37 Appendix A revised as of January 1, 2010. The form must be adapted by the mutual association to include the disclosures required under ARM 2.59.2042(1)(a) and (g). (2) The department adopts as a model, but not as a requirement, the Comptroller of the Currency's model long-form disclosure at 12 CFR 37 Appendix B revised as of January 1, 2010. The form must be adapted by the mutual association to include the disclosures required under ARM 2.59.2042(1)(a) and (g). (3) The model forms in (1) and (2), which are available at Title 12, Volume I, Part 37, Appendices A and B in the Code of Federal Regulations, are not mandatory, but a mutual association that provides disclosures in a form substantially similar to the adapted model forms will be deemed to have satisfied the disclosure requirements applicable to the mutual association concerning its debt cancellation and/or debt suspension program.
History: 32-2-704, MCA; IMP, 32-2-909, MCA; NEW, 2022 MAR p. 230, Eff. 2/12/22. |