8.22.3402 DUTIES OF THE LICENSEE (1) The licensee shall not sell or cash parimutuel tickets to persons under 18 years old. Signs indicating that persons under 18 are not allowed to bet shall be conspicuously displayed near the selling and cashing windows. (2) The licensee shall provide at least one armed guard to protect the cash room. Such guard shall be posted continuously from the time the betting begins until the cash room is closed and travel with the money until deposited. (3) The licensee shall ensure that all parimutuel tickets sold during a race meeting are purchased or cashed from the front of the regular ticket windows. (4) The licensee shall provide direct communication between the steward's stand and the parimutuel department. (5) The licensee shall designate by Montana horse racing board identification badges the identification of every cashier and seller to permit identification to the public. (6) The mutuel department, at every race meeting, must be conducted in a strict, dignified and proper manner. All parimutuel selling machines must be located only in places easily accessible and in plain view of the general public. (7) All employees shall be given instructions as to their duties in a mutuel department before the meet begins. These instructions are to be given by the parimutuel manager. (8) The infield board shall be so situated as to afford the betting public an unobstructed view. (9) The licensee shall ensure that not less than three complete quotations of odds are posted for the purpose of informing the public of the actual betting odds. A final line after the closing of betting and before the finish of the race shall be posted. (10) The licensee shall ensure that the final odds for each race remain on the infield board a minimum of 30 seconds after the official race prices for that race have been posted. (11) The licensee shall post in plain view of the public the actual prices to be paid for each ticket. (12) Wherever economically possible the licensee, including a simulcast network, may be required to furnish a certified public accountant, licensed to practice in the state of Montana and the accountant shall have the following duties: (a) completion of the forms summarizing the day's mutuel operation; (b) verification of the pay-off computations; (c) completion of such other forms as may be required by the board; and (d) submission
of financial statements covering parimutuel operations for the entire race
meet. (13) The parimutuel manager shall ensure that no seller is advised of a shortage or overage in the seller's money, until the completion of the days race program. (14) Sellers shall be responsible to the licensee for their shortages; sellers shall not be permitted to count the contents of their money box. (15) A licensee must deposit all receipts by the next banking day and
submit to the board, statements showing parimutuel receipts, percentages
retained, and such other information as may be required for the proper
administration of the law. Said
information shall be submitted within five days after the close of the meeting. (a) Completion of the forms summarizing the day's mutuel operation, and verification of the pay-off computations, and completion of such other forms as may be required by the supervisor of parimutuel betting. (16) Wherever possible, the licensee shall post, after each race, in view of the public, the amounts bet on each horse, win, place and show, and the total amounts of these pools. Also, the total amounts of each special betting feature pool with the number of tickets sold on the winning combination, such information to remain on the board until completion of the day's racing card. (17) Each licensee shall report to the board the total face value of all unclaimed winning tickets from their meet within 30 days of the end of the meet. A claim on a winning ticket may be made within a 30 day period after the end of the meet after which it may be retained by the licensee for capital improvements approved by the board. Board approved capital improvements shall be completed, and the unclaimed ticket money spent, within one year from the date of board approval. History: 23-4-104, 23-4-202, MCA; IMP, 23-4-104, 23-4-202, 23-4-301, 23-4-302, 23-4-303, MCA; Eff. 12/31/72; AMD, Eff. 5/4/74; AMD, Eff. 5/5/77; AMD, 1979 MAR p. 39, Eff. 1/26/79; AMD, 1980 MAR p. 1277, Eff. 4/25/80; TRANS, from Dept. of Prof. & Occup. Lic., Ch. 274, L. 1981, Eff. 7/1/81; AMD, 1984 MAR p. 320, Eff. 2/17/84; AMD, 1989 MAR p. 2189, Eff. 12/22/89; AMD, 1992 MAR p. 1605, Eff. 7/31/92; TRANS & AMD, from Dept. of Commerce, 2002 MAR p. 1500, Eff. 5/17/02; AMD, 2004 MAR p. 733, Eff. 4/9/04; TRANS, from 32.28.1602, 2015 MAR p. 2252, Eff. 12/25/15. |