23.3.426 APPLICATION FOR AND USE OF EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE (1) Persons who qualify for an exemption under ARM 23.3.425 may apply for an exemption certificate from the Department of Justice, Motor Vehicle Division, 303 Roberts, Helena, Montana. Application is made by completing and submitting an application on a form furnished by the department. (2) If, upon review of the completed application, the department is satisfied that the applicant is eligible for an exemption, the department will issue an exemption certificate to the applicant. (3) The exemption certificate must be carried in the motor vehicle being operated for official duties as proof of an exemption and the certificate is valid only while the exempted person is engaged in official duties. (4) The exemption certificate must be exhibited upon demand of a judge or a peace officer. (5) An exemption certificate is valid for two years from the date of issuance. An application for renewal must be filed within 30 days after expiration or a completely new application for exemption will be required. (6) The department must be notified within 30 days of any change in information upon which an exemption is based. History: 61-3-103(3) MCA; IMP, Sec. 61-3-103(2) (f) MCA; NEW, 1988 MAR p. 173, Eff. 1/29/88. |