23.3.117 STANDARDS FOR BODY DISABILITIES The following restrictions are recommended for applicants who are unable to pass the driving test without special equipment: (1) Both hands or feet or one hand and one foot missing or useless: Pass, restricted to needed special equipment, or, if in doubt after examination, refer to the motor vehicle division. (2) Either hand missing or useless: Pass, restricted to grip knob on steering wheel and mechanical turn indicator, if needed. (3) Either foot missing or useless: Pass, restricted to artificial foot, pedal extension, manual brake or clutch or automatic clutch. (4) Joints stiff: Pass, describe fully. (5) Body or limbs shaky: Pass, describe fully. (6) Strength inadequate for quick stops: Fail, recommend special equipment. (7) Stature too small for quick stops: Fail, recommend special equipment. (8) If any special equipment is on the car used in the road test restrict to such special equipment, if needed. (9) Deaf, hard of hearing, or wearers of hearing aids: Pass, restrict to left outside mirror. History: Sec. 44-1-103 MCA; IMP, Sec. 61-5-101 et seq. MCA; Eff. 12/31/72. |