24.101.403    FEES

(1) Administrative fees, in addition to fees charged by a board or program, are as follows:

(a) duplicate license $5

(b) licensee lists or rosters 20

(c) photocopies per page (in excess of 20 pages) .25

(d) certified copies per page (in excess of ten pages) .50

(e) reinstate administratively suspended license 120

(f) returned check fee, including but not limited to, checks issued with nonsufficient funds, stop payment requests, or missing signatures 30

(g) license verification 20

(i) The license verification fee is waived for any board or program having a signed reciprocal agreement with another licensing entity continuing a provision that no fees are to be charged.

(h) inactive to active status change fee during the licensure period is the difference between the cost of an inactive license and an active license renewal fee;

(i) renewal fee for a license suspended through a final disciplinary action is 50 percent of the regular renewal fee; and

(j) renewal fee for a probationary license is the same as the renewal fee.

(2) The late penalty fee is 100 percent of the license renewal fee, is in addition to the renewal fee, and must be paid for each renewal period in which the license was not renewed on or before the renewal date in ARM 24.101.413.

(a) When a renewal fee is abated, the late penalty fee that must be paid is 100 percent of the renewal fee that would have been charged had the renewal fee not been abated.

(3) There is no late fee for licensed guides under the jurisdiction of the Board of Outfitters.

(4) To convert a license from inactive to active status, the licensee must pay the difference between the inactive status fee and the active status fee for the remainder of the current renewal period.

(5) When a military reservist renews a professional or occupational license after being discharged from active duty, the renewal fee will be the current renewal fee. Pursuant to 37-1-138, MCA, the department will not assess or charge any past fees accrued when the reservist was on active duty.

(6) All fees are nonrefundable.�

History: 37-1-101, 37-1-321, MCA; IMP, 27-1-717, 37-1-130, 37-1-134, 37-1-138, 37-1-321, MCA; NEW, 2006 MAR p. 1583, Eff. 7/1/06; AMD, 2010 MAR p. 2384, Eff. 10/15/10; AMD, 2015 MAR p. 1755, Eff. 10/16/15.