37.97.191 YOUTH CARE FACILITY (YCF): FIRE SAFETY (1) The department adopts and incorporates by reference the occupancy designation/classification group R-3 of the International Fire Code (IFC), 2012, which sets forth the fire safety regulations that apply to youth care facilities. A copy of the IFC definitions and requirements for R-3 occupancies may be obtained from the Fire Prevention and Investigation Section of the Department of Justice, 2225 11th Avenue, Helena, Montana, 59620. (2) The state fire marshal must annually certify a YCF for fire and life safety. (3) Smoke detectors approved by a recognized testing laboratory must be located on each level of the facility, at the top of stairways, in any bedroom, in any hallway leading to bedrooms, and in areas requiring separation as set forth in IFC Section 907.2.11. (4) Carbon monoxide detectors installed in facilities with fuel-burning appliances or with attached garages must be installed per manufacture recommendations according to Section 1103.9, IFC. (5) A workable portable fire extinguisher, with a minimum rating of 2A10BC, must be located on each floor of the facility. Fire extinguishers must be: (a) mounted on the wall not to exceed five feet from handle to floor and no closer than four inches from the floor; (b) no more than 75 feet from each other; (c) inspected, recharged, and tagged at least once a year by a person certified by the state to perform such services; and (d) not obstructed or obscured from view. (6) Facility staff must check smoke detector batteries at least once each month and the batteries must be replaced at least once each year. Documentation, including the date and the signature of the person checking or replacing the batteries, must be maintained at the facility. (7) The staff must be trained in the proper use of facility fire extinguishers and documentation of the training must be maintained at the facility. (8) Staff, at the time of hire, and residents, at the time of admission, must be instructed in the facility's fire evacuation procedure. The fire evacuation procedure must be posted in a conspicuous place in the YCF. (9) All exits must be clear and unobstructed at all times. (10) Paint, flammable liquids, and other combustible material must be kept in locked storage away from heat sources or in outbuildings not used by the youth. (11) The YCF must conduct at least four fire drills annually, no closer than two months apart, with at least one drill occurring on each shift. Drill observations must be documented and maintained in the facility files for at least two years. The documentation must include: (a) location of the drill; (b) identification of participating staff; (c) problems identified during the drill; and (d) steps taken to correct such problems. History: 52-2-111, 52-2-113, 52-2-603, 52-2-622, MCA; IMP, 52-2-111, 52-2-603, 52-2-622, MCA; NEW, 2015 MAR p. 756, Eff. 6/12/15. |