17.24.168 MILLS: OPERATING PLANS (1) An application for an operating permit pursuant to ARM 17.24.167 must contain an operating plan that contains each of the following: (a) a description of the existing environment; (b) a plan of operations that includes: (i) all of the matters required by 82-4-335 (3) (d) through (k) , MCA, excepting the mine map; (ii) maps enhancing narratives which use the same base and scale as required by ARM 17.24.167(2) (c) ; where appropriate; (iii) a description of the design, construction, and operation of the mill, tailings, and waste rock disposal facilities; (iv) a list of equipment and chemicals to be used in the operation by location and task; (v) a description of all buildings and identification of mill design capacity; (vi) a description of topsoil salvage and stockpiling activities; (vii) a description of the general chemical processes and the purpose and amount and source of water used in the operation and the amount and disposition of any process wastewater or solutions to be disposed; (viii) a description of the power needs and source(s) , including fuel storage sites; (ix) sewage treatment and facilities and solid waste disposal sites; (x) a description of the transportation network to be used or built during the construction and operation phases, and a listing of the type and amount of traffic at mill capacity; (xi) a description of the fire protection plan and the toxic spill contingency plan and a certification that notice of the filing of the plan has been provided to the state fire marshal; (xii) plans describing the design and operation of all diversions and impounding structures and sediment control. Descriptions shall be detailed enough to provide an accurate depiction of the safety, utility and stability of such structures; (xiii) a discussion of predicted noise levels by activities during construction and operational phases; (xiv) a discussion of the potential and known archaeological and cultural values in the area of potential environmental effect for the project and a discussion of how such values are to be given consideration; (xv) provisions for the prevention of wind erosion of all disturbed areas; (xvi) a description of the provisions for protection of off-site flora and fauna; (xvii) plans for the monitoring of ground water and surface water until continuous compliance with water quality standards is demonstrated, and a contingency plan in case of accidental discharge describing remedial action in cases requiring emergency action; (xviii) a plan for the protection of topsoil stockpiles from erosion and contamination; and (xix) a listing of known sources and volumes of incoming ore, tailings, or waste rock. (c) (i) anticipated employment including both direct and onsite contract employees; (ii) if the mill is proposed to be operated in conjunction with a mine operated by applicant, personnel requirements by location and task for construction and operation phases. (Operations meeting the definition of "large scale mineral development" in 90-6-302 , MCA, must also comply with the Hard Rock Impact Act, Title 90, chapter 6, part 3, MCA) . (2) Annual reports must be submitted consistent with 82-4-339 , MCA, and include in addition: (a) sources and volumes of incoming ore; (b) volumes of tailings or waste generated; (c) water monitoring report; (d) remaining waste and tails capacity. (3) Plans submitted under ARM 17.24.167, 17.24.168, and 17.24.169, must be consistent with plans filed with other permitting authorities. History: 82-4-321, MCA; IMP, 82-4-335, MCA; NEW, 1990 MAR p. 1008, Eff. 6/1/90; TRANS, from DSL, 1996 MAR p. 2852. |