37.98.301 LICENSE APPLICATION PROCESS (1) Application for a license accompanied by the required fee must be made to the Department of Public Health and Human Services, Quality Assurance Division, Licensure Bureau, 2401 Colonial Drive, P.O. Box 202953, Helena, MT 59620-2953. (2) The application for a license must be made on forms provided by the department and shall include full and complete information as to the identity of: (a) each officer and director of the corporation, if organized as a corporation; (b) each general partner if organized as a partnership or limited liability partnership; (c) name of the administrator and administrator's qualifications; (d) name, address and phone number of the management company if applicable; (e) physical location address, mailing address and phone number of the program; and (f) maximum number of beds in the program. (3) The application for a license must also include the program management policies such as: (a) the program statement and description of services; (b) policies for decision making, supervision of staff and consultation; (c) program strategies, policies and procedures; (d) case review policy; (e) admission and discharge policies and procedures; (f) policies and procedures for support services; (g) youth's grievance procedure; (h) transportation policies and procedures; (i) policies for personnel and financial records; and (j) any other policies required by these rules. (4) The application for a license must also include the placement agreement intended to be used by the program. (5) Every program shall have a distinct identification or name and shall notify the department in writing within 30 days prior to changing such identification or name. (6) Each program shall promptly report to the department any plans to relocate the program at least 30 days prior to such a move. (7) The current program license must be publicly displayed at the administrative office. (8) In the event of a change of ownership, the new owners shall provide the department the following: (a) a completed application with fee; (b) a copy of the fire inspection conducted within the past year; (c) policies and procedures as prescribed in (3) , or if applicable, a written statement indicating that the same policies and procedures will be used; (d) a copy of the placement agreement as outlined in (4) ; and (e) documentation of compliance with ARM 37.98.401. History: Sec. 50-5-220, MCA; IMP, Sec. 50-5-220, MCA; NEW, 2004 MAR p. 1960, Eff. 8/6/04. |