(1) When because of differences in minimum weights, package
requirements, mixed truckload provisions, or other conditions the charges
accruing under commodity rates result in higher charges than those accruing
under the class rates published in other tariffs, provision may be made in a
tariff containing commodity rates only, for the alternation of such rates with
class rates published in not more than three other tariffs containing class
rates only, provided that the commodity tariff contains specific reference to
the PSC number or numbers of the class tariffs and shows in connection with
each PSC number a complete description of the origin and destination territory shown
in that tariff. The following notation must be shown in the commodity tariff
under the application of rates:
(a) If the charges accruing under the class rates
published in the following tariffs, including supplements to or successive
issues thereof, from and to the same points via the same routes are lower than
the charges accruing under the commodity rates published in this tariff, the
lower charges resulting from such class rates will apply. (Here show PSC
numbers of the class tariffs and the required description of each.)
(2) If a commodity tariff contains only a few rates which
result in higher charges than would accrue under the class rates the reference
to the class tariffs prescribed herein should be shown immediately in
connection with such commodity rates or may be shown in a separate item under
an appropriate
and reference to such item shown immediately in connection with the commodity
(3) Great care should be exercised in describing the scope of the class tariffs in
order that users of the commodity tariff may determine without examining the
class tariffs, which of such class tariffs is to be used in connection with any
commodity rate. It also should be understood that the alternative application
of commodity rates in one tariff with class rates in another tariff should be
resorted to only where there is real necessity therefore and that wherever
possible the commodity rates should be revised so that they will not exceed the
class rates between the same points.
(4) The
continuance of the authority contained in this section will depend upon the
progress made by carriers in revising commodity rates in order to avoid
unnecessary alternations, and upon the accuracy used in describing the class.
History: Sec. 69-12-201, MCA; IMP, Title 69, Chapter 12, Part 5, MCA; Eff. 12/31/72.