(1) Dairy wastes must be properly disposed of from the plant and premises.
The sewer system shall have sufficient slope and capacity to readily remove all
waste from the various processing operations. Where a public sewer is not
available, all wastes must be properly disposed of so as not to contaminate
milk equipment or to create a nuisance or public-health hazard.
Containers used for the collection and holding of wastes must be constructed of
metal, plastic or other equally impervious material and kept covered with tight-fitting
lids and placed outside the plant on a concrete slab or on a rack raised at
least 12 inches. Alternatively, waste containers may be kept inside a suitably
enclosed, clean and fly-proof room. Solid wastes must be disposed of
regularly and the containers cleaned before reuse. Accumulation of dry waste
paper and cardboard must be kept to a minimum. The paper must be burned at the
plant in a properly constructed incinerator or compressed or bagged and hauled
History: Secs. 81-2-102, 81-22-102 MCA; IMP, Secs. 81-2-102, 81-22-102 MCA; Eff. 12/31/72.